Uranium Mines in Qld?

QLD: Open for business? As of July 1, the Newman government is accepting applications for uranium mines in Queensland.Canadian company Mega Uranium can now apply to start mining at Ben Lomond, 50ks from Townsville. Laramide Resources, also Canadian, will now be able to develop its site Westmoreland near the NT border. Summit Resources an “Australian-based” – (multinationally owned) company will be looking to open up sites near Mt Isa…

at 12:00pm

at Speakers Corner -outside Queensland Parliament House (George Street Entrance)

Timeline of shame:
In March 2011, the east coast of Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake and tsunami. The ensuing disaster and failure of safety systems led to a triple melt down at the TEPCO nuclear power reactors creating an ongoing and far reaching catastrophe of community displacement and radioactive contamination. It has since become clear that Australian uranium fuelled Fukushima.

In October 2012 the LNP government, breaking a clear community commitment made repeatedly before and after the state election, announced it would open up a uranium industry in Queensland.

In March 2013, the Newman government released its plan to recommence uranium mining in Queensland.

July 1 2014, the Newman government opens the door to uranium mine approvals.

Hiroshima. Chernobyl. Fukushima. Mary Kathleen. Kakadu. Maralinga…

We have not forgotten.

Uranium is not a smart business option or job creator. Uranium = Death.

It is time to say no. Queensland Parliament will be sitting on August 6. Join us outside to say NO! to uranium mines and radioactive lies!




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