May Day Forum — Workers Inquiry

To our friends and comrades

Our lives are dominated by work, but our experiences as workers is most often ignored by mainstream politics and the media.

Saturday, May 3 at 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Kurilpa Hall, West End
174 boundary st west end, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4101

This year (2014) the May Day Group wishes to hold a worker’s inquiry. We hope to gather with fellow workers to discuss as equals the nature of our conditions and the possibilities for collective action.

How do we as workers respond to the massive changes we see around us in our working lives, and in the relationships between ourselves as workers, our trade unions, the owners of big business, and the government.This workers inquiry is an attempt to start a conversation from the grass roots. What are our individual working lives like? How are they changing? How can we respond most effectively in a collective manner?

Click to read May Day leaflet

To explore these issues we will pose the following questions as starting point for our day of discussion

Theme: Life and work

o How would you say that work shapes your identity?
o How does work impact on living a life you would like to live?
o How much of your life outside of work feels like work?

Theme: The Working Day

o What does your work day look like?
o What relation do you and your workmates have with a union if any?
o Does casualization impact at your workplace? In what ways?

Theme: Work, Organisation & Struggle

o How does management impact you during your workday?
o Are there things that workers in your workplace do to create a sense of dignity?
o What should we do? What can we do?

Ultimately all of us would like to see how we can build a better world. That world may be a long way off. But the journey starts from the lived experience of each of us.


workers inquiry leaflet

See Facebook  May Day Forum – A Workers’ Inquiry

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