Stop the squeeze in Annerley

frederick street
Residents opposed to ‘dodgy’ planning in Frederick Street Annerley by developer, Pitman Properties whose director is Paul Pitman

There has been a call from local residents at Annerley in Brisbane for the City Council to apply its own town planning rules.

Local resident, Georgina Curr said ‘Stop the Squeeze’ and talks about the impact of poorly designed high density housing on quality of life in community – issues of footprint, traffic, waste, storm-water, infrastructure are discussed:

A COMMUNITY in Annerley is protesting against a 23- unit development they say is too big for the area. A developer has submitted an application for a 23- unit block on Waverley St, Annerley, with consultation closing tomorrow, after a previous 25-unit proposal. Resident Georgina Curr, who hosted a barbecue to talk to neighbours about the project, said she opposed it.

“This area is mainly still pre-1946 homes, character homes, and basically people just feel it’s way too big,” Ms Curr said.

Ms Curr said her concerns included increased traffic congestion on the narrow street, stormwater run-off and the building’s height.

The local BCC councillor is Nicole Johnston
07 3403 8605

You can write to BCC at

Ian Curr
3 April 2014

People need parks!


2 thoughts on “Stop the squeeze in Annerley

  1. Nicole Johnston, Councillor for Tennyson Ward says:

    Like you I am very disappointed that such as large development, that is out of keeping with the surrounding neighbourhood was been approved by Council.

    I agree with Georgina that the neighbourhood can be very proud it stood up and fought for a better deal.

    I know you can (can’t, sic) always win, but a good fight for the right reasons is always worth doing.

    Thak (sic) you again everyone and as always let me know if I can be of assistance with any Council matters.


    Nicole Johnston
    Councillor for Tennyson Ward

  2. BCC ignores community concerns says:


    It is with regret that I inform you that Council has decided yet again that 22 units are acceptable in our neighbourhood.

    An appeal was made and went to Mediation recently but the Development will go ahead.

    I would like to thank everyone for their support and particularly Michael & Marion Cooper who appealed the Council approval. At least the time and effort involved would have cost Mr Pitman some money for legal costs!

    He has the site on the market as well as 68 Frederick St(next to me), so it may be another developer who finishes the project. I have heard that Pitman has a big project elsewhere at the moment. Unfortunately he has rented the house next door to me to some of his workmen who are absolute yobbos. I and other neighbours close by have had to endure their foul language, drinking and occasional fights.

    I think we can be proud that we have tried our best to prevent this development but as BCC are hell bent on a 9km ring of Sardine City around the cbd, the only thing left to do is to remember at the next council election, who has this policy of development for their mates at any cost and disregard for the ratepayers rights.

    I would also like to thank Nicole Johnston who has done us proud as local member. She has true integrity and has stood firm against terrible bullying in Council Chambers, but that has not prevented her from having her say to represent us!

    I continue to encourage you to ring Council on 34038888 if you notice any unsafe practices by builders in our streets. There has been a lot going on recently with storm repairs and developments in Taunton St and 40 Clara St. On the Clara St site 5 units are proposed and I encourage you to object. Drainage will be a major issue here.

    Let’s keep our streets safe while the Sardine City continues to grow!

    Georgina Curr & Jules Foulkes

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