Aboriginal shareholders ‘driven off land’ by rising rents in remote Lake Tyers community

By Jeff Waters

The Lake Tyers Aboriginal community has had a controversial history since being set up in 1861. (Warning: Footage includes images of deceased people.)

Video: Lorraine Sellings has been recently evicted from her house in Lake Tyers (ABC News)

Aboriginal shareholder-owners of Victoria’s remote Lake Tyers community say they are being driven off their land, because even though they collectively own the freehold property, they are being charged what they say are ever-increasing rents.

Some have been threatened with being kicked out, but others have already been evicted.

Wilfred Carter, a life-long resident whose father fought for what became, in 1971, one of the first land rights agreements in Australia, was charged with trespassing in his own house after he found it too difficult to pay the rent charged by the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust … http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-12-21/aboriginal-shareholders-driven-off-land-by-soaring-rents/5170894

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