Euahlayi Peoples Republic appoint their Provisional Executive Council of State

more from ghillar michael anderson of the sovereign euahlayi peoples republic on the appointment of the provisional executive council of state of the euahlayi nation.

i leave it to michael to inform on the details.

also given is the call for representatives of the aboriginal nations to assemble in canberra at both old parliament house and the tent embassy at 9 am 23 – 24 November 2013: Sovereign Union National Meeting on asserting our sovereignty.

again i shall leave it to michael to give the details. isja does endorse both these actions as the way forward for our 700 000 elders and respected leaders, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters and our youth. we must leave our children with the full rights of their history and heritage. to do less is unworthy of us all.


Media Release 29 October 2013

Goodooga, NSW

Euahlayi Peoples Republic appoint their Provisional Executive Council of State

At the Provisional Executive Council of State meeting of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic on Saturday the 26 October various Ministerial Portfolios were allocated:

Front row L – R: Dr Mayrah Dreise, Angela Huston, Pam Touma, Peter Brockhurst Back row L – R: Stephen Forrester, Gordon Weatherall, Ghillar Michael Anderson,Eric Fernando Jnr, Jason Dreise

· Ghillar Michael Anderson was elected Head of State.

· Phillip Hall was allocated Secretary of State;

· Angela Huston was allocated Treasury:

· Jason Dreise was allocated Environment and Cultural Heritage

· Peter Brockhurst was allocated Economic Development, Mining and Trade

· Edgar Draper was allocated Sport and Recreation

· Dr. Mayrah Dreise was allocated Education, Language and Culture

· Pam Touma was allocated Tourism, Events and Gaming

· Justice and Foreign Affairs is the responsibility of the Head of State

· Eric Fernando Jnr was allocated Health and Wellbeing

· Stephen Forrester was allocated Post-Colonial Reconstruction, Public Works and Infrastructure.

Youtube link:

Ghillar Michael Anderson said from Goodooga today:

In our first ever sitting, we workshopped each of the portfolios and it was explained that each Executive Minister of State now has responsibilities to achieve outcomes for the Peoples of the Euahlayi Nation. []

Everyone understands the enormous challenges ahead but has concluded that this is what our ancestors would want and our current generations need. We are no longer beggars in our country. We will no longer stand for British imposed dictatorship.

In asserting our right to govern, we as the Executive Council of State know full well that our first endeavour will be to show true and inspired leadership. We have been silent for too long and now that we are truly beginning to understand our rights under International law we will make very deliberate moves that enhances our ability to govern in our way according to our Law and customs, combined with modernity, which we will adapt to our ways of governing, including international human rights standards. This governance will be clearly spelt out in our Constitution when it is presented to the Euahlayi populace for discussion. When we are satisfied, it will be out to a referendum for the Euahlayi Peoples to vote on.

As for our relationship with the Commonwealth of Australia and its States, Territories and Great Britain, we adopt the view that they are Foreign States who illegally invaded our Lands and Territories when they came here on their boats. Our position is that any engagement with them in the near future will be done solely through Treaty, which we will register with the United Nations for the world to see.

We have informed the United Nations Secretary General of our actions as we do anticipate rejection of our assertion and right to self-determination, but as the Executive Council of State concluded, this is our liberation struggle and we must accept the challenge.

This is our future and it is recognised in international law that we have a right to an identified nationality and citizenship; we have a right to speak our language; we have the right to benefit from the natural occurring resources, including all waters on, in and under our lands which will provide for the economic sustainability for our Peoples; we have the right to control our airspace and we have a right to our spirituality, religion and ancient culture.

This right of self-government is the core of the right of self-determination and are entrenched within the United Nations Conventions and other General Assembly resolutions. We do not rely on the ambitions that are set down in the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

It is our considered view that any policy decisions made by the Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs and his personally chosen Indigenous cohorts, will not be accepted as having any effects on and within the Euahlayi Nation State.

Our Declaration of Independence triggers the Act of State Doctrine and, as was determined in the High Court Mabo Judgement (No. 2) the contest of sovereignty is not justiciable in the Australian municipal courts.

Having looked at the international laws, we understand the complex nature of the Australian and British assertion of Territorial Sovereignty over our Lands, water and natural resources, but the fact that we have a clear and plain boundary between the Euahlayi and other Aboriginal Nation States means ambiguity is of no concern.

The Australian and British claims to sovereignty are of a brittle skeletal framework. It is in the interest of the leaders of the modern Australian State to now come to the table and negotiate, so that they can end confusion before they lose sight of the real issues confronting them. Sitting silent, thinking that by ignoring what is happening beneath their noses is but a pie in the sky dream, will be their failings.

All persons, be they Aboriginal, Non-Aboriginal, will be catered for in the new Euahlayi Peoples Republic. Changes will occur, but future community consultations on the new State amongst the population and business houses will settle any fears that peoples may have and answer their questions.

We must impress that one of the core tenets of our culture is to look after people and families.

Contact: Ghillar Michael Anderson 0427 292 492


Youtube link:

Caption: Euahlayi Peoples Republic Provisional Executive Council of State

26 October 2013 at Mogila Station via Goodooga, NSW.

[SU]Anderson: Calling all Aboriginal Nations to Canberra 23-24 November 2013
Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia

Asserting Australia’s First Nations Sovereignty into Governance

Media Release 21 October 2013


Calling all Aboriginal Nations to Canberra 9 am 23 – 24 November 2013: Sovereign Union National Meeting on asserting our sovereignty

Goodooga NSW

Michael today that the venue for the Nations Gathering will be Old Parliament House, Canberra, commencing at 10 am with morning tea and registration at the Aboriginal Embassy at 9am.

People need to be reminded that the delegations can only consist of an Elder, a youth and delegation leader., that is three from each Nation. The visitors’ gallery will be open for the public and microphone’s will be placed in the visitors’ gallery for people if they wish to ask questions or make short comments.

This conference is so important considering where things are at in Aboriginal Affairs. The Sovereign Union National Meeting on Saturday and Sunday 23 – 24 November is now and even gets more important every day. Let’s just have a look at some of the things that is going on around the country.

A. Changing Land Titles: In Queensland the Government is in the process of changing Land Titles, which gives the Government total ownership of all Land. This ownership factor even takes away the rights of the farmers and Irrigators to use the land in a way that they want to. If the farmers proceed without Government approval then the Government will prosecute them. What does this have to do with Aboriginal Peoples? Simple, what of the ownership of the natural Flora and Fauna? The High court Mabo decision affirmed that under our Law and Customs Aboriginal Proprietary interests is a burden on Crown Title. Then in the next breath the judges in Mabo, create an unjust reasoning of law, when they said that the Australian lawmakers can extinguish Native Title by the legislative process.

Under normal and circumstances, the Crown as State, Territory or Commonwealth governments, would have to pay, just terms compensation on all land extinguishment. Under the Australian Constitution it is compulsory to pay just terms compensation. But John Howard and his hoard of colonialists perverted the course of justice, when he amended the 1993 Native Title Act in 1998, and suspended the Racial Discrimination Act, to avoid having to pay just terms compensation for their illegal colonial act.

B. Inherent Rights ignored: In all State and Territories white lawyers, and some black lawyers, fail to inform Native Title claimants that, under the Peoples’ Law and Customs we have an inherent right to the flora and fauna, through totemic associations, which link the Peoples to all things natural: kangaroos, emus, koalas, snakes, lizards birds, fish, plants, trees, shrubs etc. It is these associations, which are referred to when people say that Aboriginal people are “intrinsically linked”. This is our culture. This is our ‘inherent’ right under our Law and Customs. This is a Native Title right and under John Howard’s law changes he did not take this away, but the lawyers are taking it from you all because, they do not inform you, that this is who you are and that claiming our inherent rights to all these is a Native Title right.

If the State Governments want to permit the wholesale removal of trees, plants and shrubs then we have a right to be compensated for them. We have to place a value on each of them. That is: they are food, medicinal, spiritual, building resources for shelter, tools and family. The destruction of core pits is a claimable item under our Law and custom as they are used for ceremony all the time. Some ochre places have a spiritual value and are of a religious nature.

C. Highest suicide rate in the world and appalling social indicators: Then there is the continued mass death amongst our Peoples, particularly our young, as well as the extraordinarily high Incarceration rates and increasing ill health.

D. Close the Gap campaign ignores key issues: The Government’s Close the Gap campaign is only measuring the number of jobs that our people are being placed in, they never say how many kids are killing themselves. We in the communities and the concerned family members and their supporters are the only ones who acknowledge this. The deaths in custody observers and campaigners are fighting the absolute odds to have the authorities take notice. The Governments will not acknowledge this because they have a vested interest. The only statistics that they are interested in is the Closing the Gap lie.

E. ILUAs [Indigenous Land Use Agreements] are a rip off: Then we look at how our people are being ripped off by the lawyers, by being told, “Well this is the best you will get”, and then get the people to sign ILUAs. But how many Native Title claimants around this country get to own and control the expenditure of any moneys that they get from their agreements? How many years have the people been waiting for the benefits to flow through to them?

F. SA Letters Patent breached: In South Australia, there are the ‘Letters Patent’, without this, South Australia will not be a State. Yet, the law that is written into it regarding Aboriginal Peoples is being totally ignored and the white judges of the courts are once again perverting the course of justice by interpreting it in a perverted way so as to maintain the status quo for the State of South Australia to have control over Aboriginal People and their land and resources. In this regard the APY [Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara] Peoples are now under threat to have their rights circumvented by a corruptible Governmental regime who only have one objective in mind, Take ownership of all of the natural resources within the country of the Peoples of APY lands. If this is done then the Peoples of the APY lands will not get the financial benefits that they would as Sovereign Independent Peoples.

G. No right of veto our mining, only negotiations on how to say yes to mining: In NSW, somen Aboriginal people have given up the political fight and now reach for short-term outcomes. An example of this are some of the Gomeroi Peoples in northern NSW, who only care for what they can get for themselves and not the long-term outcomes that would set their children and grandchildren up, so that they would be free from being welfare dependent. Culture! Well, it is the view of the Gomeroi in the Gunnedah and Narrabri area that: ‘We will pick up our material culture [artefacts] as long as we are paid by the mining companies and then stack them all in a building that the mining company will build or buy.’ Never mind that many of the wider Goomeri Nation are opposed to this type of selling out for a short term pay packet.

H. Native Title lawyers facilitate mining, not the protection of sacred sites and cultural objects. On another matter associated with this is the NSW Native Title Services who, through their live-in lawyers, manipulated the Gomeroi nation gathering into believing that they are the only ones who can and should do all the legal work for the Gomeroi People. But to date the only thing they have done is to assist to facilitate the mining company’s access to our ancient lands without a fight using a State law to hide behind. Never mind the fact that the full Nation gathering authorised a legal challenge against the mining company and the Minister’s right to authorise the destruction of our country.

I. Assimilation into a racist constitution from another country. The issue of our continuing Sovereignty is of paramount importance. Our peoples are being lied to; conned by legal tricksters; controlled by Government funded groups; and having government Uncle Toms and Aunt Marys appointed to control policy directions on how Aboriginal people should live and think in this country. Assimilation is alive and well, the problem is we have our own who are now the designers of this evil and vile act against a people who are enslaved and captives to a welfare regime. The threat of losing the only financial income the people have is a great blackmailing instrument. And, it is an instrument that has and will have devastating impacts on a totally demoralised race.

We are extending an invitation to all Sovereign Aboriginal Nations in Australia to meet together in Canberra on Saturday and Sunday 23 – 24 November.

The invitation is open to three delegates: a delegation leader, an Elder and a youth from each Sovereign Nation where and if possible, with limited space for observers in Ols Parliament House, Canberra.

Each of the Sovereign Nations who seek to attend must realise that we have NO money to assist with fares and/or accommodation. The Sovereignty movement is a self-funded movement and each Sovereign Nation State must take care of their own. We accept NO money from Government. Our continuing Sovereignty is ours to assert, and we must show our determination to be free and Independent.

The key issues that will be focused on at this gathering are:

· Sovereignty and Self-Determination

· Native Title – v – Aboriginal Sovereignty

· United Nations and International Law on de-colonisation

· Declaring Sovereign Independence.

· Developing International Relationships and

· Unification of Sovereign Aboriginal Nations within Australia.

There is a possibility for some billeting of Elders whilst in Canberra. In regards to accommodation, it is recommended to bring some tents, if and where possible, and we will all camp at the Aboriginal Embassy as we have done for many years.

It should be noted that if any Sovereign Nation State seeks to have a matter or matters put on the agenda, please make contact and this matter will be proposed.

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, 0427 292 492,

Convenor, Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia
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