Resurrection of powerful building regulator under examination

by Steve Riggall,
Reporter & Co-ordinator
4ZZZ  News fm 102.1 Brisbane
Fri, Sep 20, 2013 – 12:51pm

After striding into office after a comfortable election victory, Mr Abbott and his team are invoking that magical political word much beloved by many politicians: mandate.

Mandate to abolish the Carbon Price and the Mining Tax.

Mandate to enact Operation Sovereign Borders.

And so on.

One mandate that still remains slightly unclear however is the Coalition’s plan on Industrial Relations.

With Prime Minister Abbott having sawn off the apparently unnecessary phrase ‘workplace relations’ from his portfolio title, Senator Eric Abetz as new Minister for Employment has vowed to immediately set to work to stamp out ‘Union Corruption’.

One of the ways he has planned to do this is to reinstate Australian Building and Construction Commission, which was replaced with the independent Fair Work Building and Construction body mid-last year.

Just what will this mean? 4ZZZ reporter Steven Riggall spoke to a few people about what the old ABCC was like to give you an idea of what could be in store.


Featured in story: National Secretary of the CFMEU Dave Noonan, CEO Master Builders Australia Wilhelm Harnisch, University of New South Wales Industrial Relations Research Centre Deputy Director Associate Professor Anne Junor, University of Adelaide John Bray Professor of Law Andrew Stewart.

Industrial Relations


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