Women, children main victims of attack, says Gaza hospital

“Israel is doing all it can with precision bombing to minimise civilian casualties” — Israeli Propaganda [quote by ‘Shirl in Oz‘]

GAZA (IRIN) – The nurses at al-Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip have seen bombing casualties before, but never on this scale.

“I was here when the [23-day] 2008-09 war took place, and I think this one is more difficult in [terms of] injuries and the type of demanding work we do,” said Talaat al-Ejla, a 30-year-old nurse.

Nurses work 12-hour shifts, but it is the night-time shifts that have been the hardest these last few days.

“It’s very hard now, with many injured people coming every hour. Women and children outnumbered men, especially with the new wave [of attacks] targeting houses and civilian buildings,” said Ibrahim Jirjawi, a nurse on the orthopedic ward, who has worked here for seven years.

“It’s more dangerous now than before, and we expect that things will be worse if ground operations start,” he said.

Women, children main victims of attack, says Gaza hospital.


3 thoughts on “Women, children main victims of attack, says Gaza hospital

  1. Can you PLEASE fix the onesided Wikipedia gaza Israeli casualty post which only uses Israeli df statistics. So many students will just get information there without thinking critically.

    I’m preparing for exams, but just can’t bear to see lies appearing on Wikipedia like this

  2. Gareth W R Smith says:

    Israel boasts of surgical strikes which have killed over 115 Gazans, mostly children and women and injured about 900.

    U.S. supplied bombs and missiles have blitzkrieged whole neighbourhoods. Hamas’ rockets on the other hand have not flattened a single building and only killed
    three Israelis who, by the way, are living illegally on Palestinian land.

    We’d have to say Hamas is far more adept at surgical strikes than Israel.

    Gaza festers under 6 years of illegal Israeli blockade and the West Bank suffers military oppression from 500 Israeli checkpoints and daily violence from illegal Israeli settlements.

    Professor Richard Falk, the U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on Palestine, has castigated Israel for its violations of international and humanitarian law but, even so,the West continues to turn a blind eye to the dire plight of Palestinians. Maybe Hamas has adopted this rocket strategy to provoke Israel and thus raise Palestine and Gaza to headline status in the world’s media.

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