Protest at Brisbane’s detention centre

Protest at Brisbane’s detention centre

Support refugee rights! End mandatory detention!

There are over 4500 asylum seekers currently languishing in detention in Australia, with a federal Labor government that is thoroughly committed to mandatory detention; and a federal opposition that says that Labor’s hard line is “too soft”, and they will introduce even more cruel policies. Come to Brisbane’s very own detention centre, the BITA, “Brisbane Immigration Transit Accommodation” at Pinkenba and let everyone know that these policies are unacceptable. Demand freedom and justice for refugees!

When: 2pm, Saturday 21st July.
Where: 100 Sugarmill Rd, Pinkenba.
Getting there: Trains arrive at Doomben station at 12.46pm and 1.46pm. Carlifts will be organised from there to the rally site at Pinkenba. Could all those with transport who are willing to give people a lift, be at Doomben station at those times?

For further info, ring Paul, 3392 3843, or Mark, 3891 5385, or Tim, 0411 829 319.

This protest is organised by the Refugee Action Collective, Qld.

©2012 Refugee Action Collective, QLD | Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

[Editor’s note: Migaloo = many waters, many travel (boat people)]


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