17 Group — problems of global capital and labour and their social impacts


The May meeting of the 17 Group, a mere handful of days before the May Day March, on Wednesday the 2nd of May at 7 pm in unit 6 at 20 Drury St West End will very seasonably deal with contemporary problems of global capital and labour and their social impacts. (May Day march is Monday, 7 May 2012 see May Day in Brisbane 2012)

The speaker will be Bob Russell.
Drawing upon extensive fieldwork and data collection in India, Bob Russell will examine some of the impacts that are associated with the outsourcing of work to offshore locales. While China has been a preferred recipient for the outsourcing of manufacturing activity, the information and communications revolution has also made it possible to offshore increasing amounts of service sector work. In this presentation, Bob will recount the historical trajectory of IT and BPO (business process outsourcing) activity in India and examine the different ownership patterns and business strategies that are associated with the dynamics of offshore outsourcing. Next the presentation will examine the impacts that such developments are having upon workers, civil society, developmental prospects and the emerging global division of labour more generally.

Biographical Note: Bob Russell is a sociologist who studied and graduated with a PhD from the world systems school of sociology at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1984. He has taught in Sociology Departments at Lakehead and Trent Universities as well as the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, focusing especially on the sociology of work, labour process theory and labour studies. Since 2000 Bob has worked in the Department of Employment Relations at Griffith University.

Trotsky, Leon.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 1968. Encyclopedia.com. 24 Apr. 2012 .

Natalia, pictured above, already dressed to come to the meeting, encounters reluctance from Leon, in a real stay-at-home mood and alleging an important deadline as he pretends to be in the middle of an editorial draft. Follow her example, not his!



One thought on “17 Group — problems of global capital and labour and their social impacts

  1. The next division of labour: some implications for work and development says:

    The May meeting of the 17 Group, a mere handful of days before the May Day March, on Wednesday the 2nd of May at 7 pm in unit 6 at 20 Drury St West End will very seasonably deal with contemporary problems of global capital and labour and their social impacts. The speaker will be Bob Russell.

    The next division of labour: Some implications for work and development

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