Who is Wael Ghoneim? Egypt’s Facebook Revolution?

من هو وائل غنيم…حد يفهمني أي ه اللي بيحصل

Tell me … Who is Wael Ghoneim?

Is Wael Ghoneim, marketing manager for Google in the Middle East, a person who is patriotic and revolutionary, or is he someone moved by foreign forces, perhaps of a type the Americans could use?

Wael Ghoneim was one of the Facebook activists. On the day of passionate demonstrations on 25 January Wael was at work in the giant Google office in the United Arab Emirates and the following day he travelled to Egypt, the place of his birth.

From 28 January the demonstrations increased in strength. Ghoneim had gone to Egypt witnout telling his colleagues at work and without even telling his father, who works in Saudi Arabia, or other members of his family, that he would participate in the demonstrations.

Do you think someone would leave his job and his wife (an American) and then go abroad to participate in a demonstration without anyone of his colleagues at work or even his family knowing? Only if there were a specific destination plan for him and people checked this first when he disappeared, and then checked the lists of wounded and dead of the demonstrators when many of those participants were beaten, many were shot with live bullets and many died.

This young man admitted that the Egyptian security forces did not shoot him, did not hit him or torture him. An investigation is trying to figure out who stands behind him with the knowledge that in similar cases people were tortured. All cases are investigated but in the case of Wael he was released in the end and then pushed to front the media as an overnight celebrity and national hero.

The question is who gave him orders to go and leave his American wife in the United Arab Emirates, to abandon his function in the Google offices there, and go to Egypt to participate in the demonstration? It is claimed he was arrested and held by Egyptian security forces. Was that to intimidate him or to protect him for 12 days while live bullets strafed the demonstrators? And why did the American government and Google intervene to release him from the hands of Egyptian security forces?

Why was kept in a safe place for 12 days while live bullets were strafing everyone in the street, why was a campaign launched by Google and the news agencies demanding that the Americans search for him as if he were the most important person in Egypt? And why was he released solely under pressure from the media and news agencies?

The other question is why was his disappearance highlighted by the U.S. media and why did the Americans search for him like he was one of their men, even though there were hundreds of young men who were hit by live bullets throughout the Republic?

Was there an American plan for him and was his defence and support paid for by a particular base?

What was the relationship of the April 6 supporters to El-Baradei and what was the role of the U.S.?

Why have all the media, government and non-governmental agencies, domestic and international forces highlighted Wael Ghoneim, who was not wounded or injured, while hundreds of other young people disappeared?

Why did Naguib Sawiris, who called for Mubarak to step down, defend Wael Ghoneim, yet did not raise his voice about the firing of live bullets on Egypt’s youth?

Naguib Sawiris of Egypt said that the fall of Mubarak meant the triumph of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, and that the fall of Mubarak would will be the beginning of the destruction of the Middle East! Why was he defending Wael Ghoneim, as if he were one of his men?

Wael Ghoneim was pushed strongly in the media, Arab and foreign and local communities for one week only transmitted news from Wael Ghoneim and presented him as someone to speak for all media both U.S. and non-American and given the microphone after the success of the people’s revolution.

And now why does America support him, and why are they trying to make him known as Voice of Youth Revolution and their representative?

The American has always tried to have a foothold in Egypt and to have a voice to represent them in all events!

The Egyptian People’s Revolution is now the biggest event in the Middle East, and this young man supposedly represents the voice and face of their youth revolution.

America has agendas such as payment of certain people in places of political influence such as promoting ElBaradei to assume the presidency in Egypt. Wael Ghoneim is a Trojan horse that will be used by the Americans to promote ElBaradei.

If you want to detect what this young man is about in one minute ask him about his view of U.S. policy in the Middle East and you will find how he speaks of it.

His wife works for an American company and ElBaradei, who supported America’s interests in the past during conferences organized by the American administration on freedom and democracy in Egypt.

Riding on a wave the owners of the largest project of Google plan to put fellow Masonic Lodge member ElBaradei, with the help of Wael Effendi backed by America, to coordinate the public campaign on Facebook to declare himself the president of Egypt after being elected from facebook.


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