War against truth

In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell

“Over 110 journalists have been murdered by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza since 07OCT, many of which by targeted airstrikes. Remember when the Charlie Hebdo’s terrorist attack killed 12 (mostly journalists), and millions across the golbe were screaming “Je Suis Charlie” in defence of freedom of speech and “the right to offend”.

Where are they now now?? I hope they are not offended by 30,000 dead Palestinians. It seems the right for freedom of speech is selective. That’s why silence is complicity ” – Omar Ashour, President of Palestinian community association (Falasteen).

We are deeply saddened by Israeli murders of two journalists who have been bringing news from Gaza for the past three months. They were Al Jazeera’s Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh and Agence France Press journalist, Mustafa Thuraya. Their car was targeted by a single Israeli rocket while they were collecting information about the ongoing genocide of the people of Gaza. Our condolences go out to Wael A Dahdouh and his family, colleagues and friends. Equally to our brother Mustafa Thuraya, his colleagues, family and friends.

Like many other people following the genocide Al Jazeera is one of my main sources of information because of its balance and reliability. Sadly 110 journalists trying to bring us the news have been brutally killed by Israeli occupation forces in the last three months. They have been an important source of truthful and reliable reporting in the face of the lies carried by mainstream Western media. According to The Intercept., CNN runs its Gaza coverage past an Israeli censor team in Jerusalem.

This is not surprising given the biased coverage by mainstream media outlets in the United States (eg CNN, NBC, New York Times and Fox). The NYT has been publishing articles claiming the Palestinian resistance beheaded babies, burnt them alive, and used rape as a weapon of war. All these stories are intended to cover-up and excuse the genocide that US, UK ad Australian journalists know is happening but are afraid to report because they will get the sack or be cancelled in some way. The Australian broadcasting commission has already sacked at least one journalist, the ABC board perceived to be pro-Palestinian.

Bogus stories are put out from the safety of Washington, London, New Dehli, New York or Sydney. Meanwhile their colleagues from international media outlets in Gaza are being murdered. Mainstream media in the US is trying to keep their electorate ignorant of what is going on to shore up either Democrat or Republican candidates and protect them from complicity in the genocide.

In May 2022, an Israeli sniper assassinated al Jazeera journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh by shooting her in the head while she was on assignment in Jenin. This was a declaration of war by Israel against journalists. Abu Akleh’s family sent a complaint about her assassination to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. One year and nine months after Shireen Abu Akleh’s assassination the ICJ has done nothing. Why?

A few hours ago on 8 Jan 2024, Al Jazeera network issued the following statement: “We urge the International Criminal Court, the governments and human rights organisations, and the United Nations to hold Israel accountable for its heinous crimes and demand an end to the targeting and killing of journalists.”

In response the Israeli military issued one of its usual lies: “an IDF aircraft identified and struck a terrorist who operated an aircraft that posed a threat to IDF troops.” This is, of course, a transparent excuse by Israeli trying to cover up a war crime . The International Court of Justice are familiar with Israeli lies having been on the receiving end themselves. In June 2022 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken promised to pursue accountability for the killing of Al Jazeera journalist. He did nothing.

On 29 December 2023 South Africa complained to the ICJ that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

Israel routinely ignores orders from the International Court of Justice and the United Nations. For example the ICJ ruled against the building of the apartheid wall. Israel ignored their request to stop building the wall.

Here is what Dr Hanan Ashrawi has to say about the application by South Africa to the International Court of Justice.

Palestine is deeply grateful. It is significant that a country that suffered from, resisted & defeated apartheid is addressing the ICJ to hold Israel to account & to bring about an immediate end to the genocide being committed in Gaza. Stop #IsraeliGenocide

Dr Ashrawi’s views are understandable and hopeful. Understandable, because the Palestinian Liberation Organisation has been trying for such a long time to obtain an indictment against Israeli war crimes. This has been hindered because Palestine has not attained full state hood and it requires a reference to the ICJ of a state to get a genocide case up and running.

Hopeful, I suppose, because of the extent of the genocide since 7 October 2023. There are indications that the ICJ are taking the allegation of genocide seriously this time. At least the lawyers have put South Africa’s allegations up on their website’s front page.

But will stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza? No. Time has run out, it is too late, only intervention will stop the genocide. No state is willing to take the risk. Will ICJ stop US support? No.

The US is a law unto itself. Just look how it has blockaded Cuba over 60 years. This ongoing US blockade continues to cause enormous harm to the people of Cuba. The Secretary of State Anthony Blinken demonstrated his usual hypocrisy this morning when he claimed that “the deaths journalists are an incredible tragedy”.

At the same time the United States provides Israel with the means to carry out the genocide.

Ian Curr
8 Jan 2024


For international criminal court inaction, see https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/11/one-year-on-no-justice-at-icc-for-shireen-abu-akleh

NB: The ICJ should be distinguished from the International Criminal Court (ICC), which also has its seat in The Hague, in the Netherlands. The ICC can convict and sentence individual perpetrators for violations such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

In contrast the ICJ deals only with the responsibility of states for violations of international law, not with accountability of individuals.

One thought on “War against truth

  1. Irish lawyer Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC is advising South Africa’s legal team on its high-profile proceedings in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) alleging that Israel is committing acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

    The case is listed for hearing on 11-12 January 2024.

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