“Seeking asylum in the region”

LaRRC Postgraduate Seminar Series: Issues in Refugee Research
Thursday 18th November
12:30—2:00 pm
Martin Building room 488 (La Trobe University, Melbourne)

Dr Savitri Taylor (Senior Lecturer, School of Law, La Trobe University) joins us to discuss “Seeking asylum in the region”

Australia, as one of only three developed countries in the Asia Pacific region, seems to have become the ultimate destination of increasing numbers of irregularly moving asylum seekers. It is keen to develop some kind of regional refugee protection framework as a way of taking back control of its borders and is already working towards that end in various bilateral and regional contexts. Since the primary motivation of Australia and other states is the safeguarding of their own security, it cannot of course be taken for granted that any regional protection framework they devise will actually protect refugees. In light of this reality, Dr Taylor has just commenced a research project which has as its purpose the investigation of the following questions:

i) What are the international law principles relating to the sharing of responsibility for refugee protection?
ii) How can these principles best be operationalised in the Asia-Pacific region keeping in mind the particular economic, political etc circumstances of the region?
iii) To the extent that any protection framework evolving in our region is diverging from possible best practice, how can regional civil society intervene effectively to minimise such divergence?

While Dr Taylor has yet to find the answers she has a few ideas that she will share at this seminar. After her presentation, she looks forward to a conversation which will help her work out which ideas are worth pursuing and which aren’t.

Please visit our website for further information at http://www.latrobe.edu.au/larrc/news-events/seminar-items/seeking-asylum-in-the-region.

Edmee Kenny
Administration Officer

La Trobe Refugee Research Centre – LaRRC
La Trobe University
VIC 3086 Australia

T: + 61 3 9479 5874 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 61 3 9479 5874 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
F: + 61 3 9479 5791
W: www.latrobe.edu.au/larrc


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