Australian unions call on ACTU to support BDS campaign

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David Forde

Labor 4A Just Palestine

Weekly update for week beginning 11/10/10

This week’s articles

· UN Protection of Civilians Weekly Report 6 October – 12 October

· Ma’an – Netanyahu `chose settlements over peace`

· Australian – Unions want ACTU to endorse protest plan against Israeli settlements

· New York Times – Smothered by Settlements

· Asharq – PA President Presents Four Alternatives to Arab Follow-Up Committee

· Washington Post – Palestinians counter Israeli offer on settlements

· Haaretz – Top 10 worst errors Israel is about to make

· Economist – Cheap gimmickry

· Haaretz – French, Spanish FMs: Lieberman violated every rule of diplomacy

· Haaretz – PA adopts textbook, banned in Israel, offering both sides’ narratives

· APHEDA Middle East Study Tour – Occupied Palestinian Territories, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan. 27 March – 11 April 2011

· All the latest from the Palestinian News agency Ma’an

UN Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 6 October – 12 October

Israeli forces killed two Palestinians and injured 30 others throughout the West Bank, including East Jerusalem; another six Palestinians injured by settlers. In the West Bank, settler violence heightened during olive harvesting. Demolitions and stop-work orders continue. In Gaza, Israeli air strikes and access restrictions continue. Imports increased, however restrictions on entry of building materials and the almost total ban on exports remain in place. Despite increase in fuel imports, electricity production remains below needs. To read the report click on: Protection of Civilians Weekly Report

Ma’an – Netanyahu `chose settlements over peace`

After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved Friday more settlements in occupied East Jerusalem, the PLO’s top negotiator said Israel had all but declared an end to negotiations. “It seems to me that Netanyahu has made his choice: settlements over peace,” Saeb Erekat said after the Israeli government announced its decision to approve more Israeli-only housing units in Jerusalem. To read the article click on:

Australian – Unions want ACTU to endorse protest plan against Israeli settlements

AUSTRALIAN unions are signing up to an international campaign to boycott Israeli goods. But a fight is brewing over a proposal for the Australian Council of Trade Unions to endorse the movement. The broad-based divestment and boycott campaign is targeting companies that profit from the Israeli settlements. To read the article click on:

New York Times – Smothered by Settlements

Negotiations between two unequal parties cannot succeed. Much like previous rounds of talks, these negotiations were dominated on one side by an Israeli government that controls the land, roads, airspace, borders, water and electricity, as well as the trade and economy of the Palestinian side. This same Israeli “partner” now also boasts a general public that has shifted dramatically to the right, and to which an apartheid system for Palestinians has become an acceptable norm.To read the article click on:

Asharq – PA President Presents Four Alternatives to Arab Follow-Up Committee

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas presented four alternatives, concerning the prospects of the direct negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis. First: If Israel decides to halt the settlement activities, the direct negotiations will continue. Second: If this does not take place, we will call on the USA to recognize the State of Palestine within the 1967 borders; if the USA does not do so, we will go to the UN Security Council, and call on all the countries of the world to recognize the State of Palestine; and if this does not take place, we will go the UN Security Council to impose a mandate over the Palestinian people. Third: (If the two previous proposals were to fail) we call on Israel to re-occupy the territories. Fourth: [In this case] The Palestinian Authority is to be abandoned and leave Ramallah. To read the article click on:

Washington Post – Palestinians counter Israeli offer on settlements

JERUSALEM – Responding to an offer by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to extend a freeze on building in West Bank settlements if Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state, a top Palestinian official said Wednesday that such recognition could be granted to Israel within its 1967 borders, without the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. To read the article clcik on:….

Haaretz – Top 10 worst errors Israel is about to make

The Loyalty Oath, deporting Children, expanding settlements, the siege on Gaza, gratuitously and intentionally angering the USA and EU, giving them the impression that Israeli and Diaspora Jews prefer settlements to peace with the Palestinians. To read the full list click on:…

Economist – Cheap gimmickry

ISRAEL was defined as the “Jewish state” in 1947 by the UN resolution that brought it into being. But now Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu wants the Palestinians to confirm it: both the Palestinian leaders who are supposed to be negotiating with him over a state of their own, and individual Palestinians (and other non-Jews) who apply for Israeli citizenship. To read the article click on:

Haaretz – French, Spanish FMs: Lieberman violated every rule of diplomacy

The foreign ministers of Spain and France were furious with their Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman, telling him that he had “violated every rule of diplomatic etiquette,” an Israeli source reported on Monday. To read the article click on:…

Haaretz – PA adopts textbook, banned in Israel, offering both sides’ narratives

The Palestinian Authority’s Education Ministry approved the use of a history textbook that offers the central narratives of both Palestinians and the Zionist movement. The textbook has been banned from use by the Israeli Education Ministry. To read the article click on:…

APHEDA Middle East Study Tour – Occupied Palestinian Territories, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan. 27 March – 11 April 2011

The tour will visit Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem). This is a unique opportunity to learn about APHEDA projects and to see what life really is like for Palestinians under occupation while deprived of their own land, resources and freedom of movement. To get more details on the trip, click on:

Palestinian News agency Ma’an

For all the latest from Ma’an click on:


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