Labor 4A Just Palestine weekly report beginning 26 July – including another village demolished

Dear all

Including CFMEU (C&G) QLD 2010 convention motion passed (see attached)


David Forde

Labor 4A Just Palestine

Weekly update for week beginning 26/07/10

This week’s articles

· UN Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 21 July – 27 July

· LA Times – Israel razes homes in Bedouin village

· Arab News – Editorial: ‘A prison camp’

· Guardian – Israel’s harassment of citizens could ignite uprising, warns Arab politician

· Mondoweiss – Israeli BDS bill would turn opponents of the regime into enemies of the state

· Ma’an – Oxfam calls for compensation from Israel

· Ma’an – Abbas: Israel renewing cycle of violence

· Christian Science Monitor – Ten years after Camp David, Israel has made peace even harder

· Australian – New settlements to build tension

· Haaretz – Do you still have hope after the IDF killed your daughters and niece in Gaza?

· Haaretz – UN rights body names team to probe Gaza flotilla raid

· Christian Science Monitor – Why a young Israeli woman spies on Israeli settlements in West Bank

· All the latest from the Palestinian News agency Ma’an

UN Protection of Civilians Weekly Report | 14 July – 20 July

Four Palestinians killed and 17 others injured throughout the oPt. In the West Bank, demolitions continue; 17 structures in Area C and five others in East Jerusalem targeted. Israeli settler violence escalates. In the Gaza Strip, Tunnel situation remains dangerous. Crossings; imports continue to increase however impact remains limited. Industrial fuel and cooking gas imports decline; electricity shortages continue. To read both reports click on: Protection of Civilians Weekly Report

LA Times – Israel razes homes in Bedouin village

For the sixth time in a decade, farmer Ismail Mohamed Salem watched Israeli bulldozers raze his home in this disputed Bedouin village. Hours later, he sat next to the rubble and vowed to rebuild — yet again. To read the article click on:…

Arab News – Editorial: ‘A prison camp’

The new British Premier David Cameron appears unafraid to speak his mind. Visiting his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara on Tuesday, he described Gaza as “a prison camp” and urged the illegal Israeli blockade be lifted. To read the article click on:

Guardian – Israel’s harassment of citizens could ignite uprising, warns Arab politician

Israel could ignite a third intifada if it continues to push its 1.2 million Arab citizens into a corner, claims Haneen Zoabi, the Arab member of the Knesset vilified for joining the Gaza aid flotilla. To read the article click on:

Mondoweiss – Israeli BDS bill would turn opponents of the regime into enemies of the state

For many years now, Israel has boasted about being “the only democracy in the Middle East.” It has never been a democracy: it has systematically discriminated against its non-Jewish citizens. To read the article click on:.

Ma’an – Oxfam calls for compensation from Israel

The international aid agency Oxfam demanded Monday that Israel compensate Palestinians in a northern Jordan Valley village after soldiers destroyed at least $29,000 of aid when soldiers demolished 79 structures in the village. To read the article click on:

Ma’an – Abbas: Israel renewing cycle of violence

President Abbas said Sunday that Israel’s continued settlement building on what would become a future Palestinian state was impeding a two-state solution and renewing the cycle of violence. To read the article click on:

Christian Science Monitor – Ten years after Camp David, Israel has made peace even harder

In an interview earlier this year with The Jerusalem Post, one of the Jewish settlers in Sheikh Jarrah, an area in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem where Palestinians are being evicted from their homes, explained that he had no “personal problems” with “the Arabs” – but insisted that “they have to admit who the landlord is here.” To read the article click on:…

Australian – New settlements to build tension

ISRAEL has given the strongest indication yet that it will resume building in Jewish settlements when the current 10-month freeze expires in September, setting the scene for renewed tensions with the US and the EU. To read the aticle click on:

Haaretz – Do you still have hope after the IDF killed your daughters and niece in Gaza?

TORONTO – Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish speaks frankly to Israelis and Palestinians, in synagogues, mosques and cultural centers, in this city, where he now resides. On January 16, 2009 three of his daughters, Bessan (20 ), Mayar (15 ) and Aya (13 ), and his niece, Noor (17 ) were killed by an Israel Defense Forces shell fired directly into their bedroom. To read the article click on:…

Haaretz – UN rights body names team to probe Gaza flotilla raid

The United Nations Human Rights Council appointed a team of international experts on Friday to investigate Israel’s raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla and called on all parties to cooperate. To read the article click on:

Christian Science Monitor – Why a young Israeli woman spies on Israeli settlements in West Bank

If Palestinians ever achieve the viable state to which they aspire, they will have a determined young Israeli activist to thank for its territory not being entirely swallowed by Israeli settlements. To read the article click on:…

Palestinian News agency Ma’an

For all the latest from Ma’an News click on:

CFMEU (C&G) QLD 2010 Convention motion Palestine Israel.pdf

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