FOCO NUEVO in September 09

Sue Monk & Lachlan Hurse from Jumping Fences - at this foco nuevo they played with Robbie Stewart (lead guitar), Dan Simpson (drums) with special guest Leonor Orellana who (with Sue Monk) sang a beautiful version of "Al Otro Lado Del Rio"

Click here to listen to:

Jumping Fences play

“The Other Side of the River”

[“Al Otro Lado Del Rio” (In The Other Side Of The River) the theme song to The Motorcycle Diaries by Jorge Drexler]

Migill - Gillian Smith (fiddle, mandolin and vocals) and Michael Bourne (guitar and vocals)


“Wild” by Ichabod’s Crane

Ichabod's Crane plays "Wild" - c.carleton - vocals, guitars, keys s.adamus - cello m.laidlaw - drums

Apologies for the high sound levels on the recordings.

They may take a while to load.

Ian Curr
Sept 09

174 Boundary Street,
West End

Hot Latin American meals, cakes, tea and coffee available

$10 / $7 concession

email enquiries:

With a cloud over the future of the Ellen Taylor Community Centre we have changed our venue to the Kurilpa Hall in Boundary Street, West End (next to the West End library).

The Kurilpa Hall has been the venue for many wonderful functions in the past, and we’re sure that it will be a welcoming space for Foco Nuevo.

Ichabod’s Crane: Ichabod’s Crane is the musical moniker taken by Brisbane based artist, Charity Carleton. Her dusky folk offerings take on a new light in 2009, as she is joined by cellist, Sophie Adamus and drummer, Melinda Laidlaw. Ambient layers of sounds, from acoustic guitar, cello, keys, drums & voice, intertwine with intriguing lyrics, to create pieces which wind themselves delicately through the minds of the audience. Ichabod’s Crane has performed in Brisbane, Melbourne, Northern NSW and in Japan, as well as at Peat’s Ridge Festival 2008-09. She collaborated with Portuguese artist, the Partisan Seed, in 2008, on his second album, ‘Indian Summer’, with the duet, ‘Ofelia’, receiving high rotation airplay overseas. Her most recent solo release is the 2007 EP ‘the Devil and the Deity’. [website]

Migill: In March 2008 at the Maidenwell folk gathering Gillian Smith (fiddle, mandolin and vocals) and Michael Bourne (guitar and vocals) were jamming quietly on the afternoon of the last day. A musical partnership formed, friendships were forged, and the jamming has continued. Michael and Gillian have recently formed the duo Migill playing a collection of songs and tunes of different genres influenced by a variety of performers. Mostly they love playing together and sharing the music with other players and audiences alike.

Jumping Fences: Jumping Fences, the song-writing partnership of Lachlan Hurse and Sue Monk, will be playing their energetic folk, tinged with Cuban flavours. While Ross Gwyther is away overseas, they will be accompanied by Robbie Stewart (lead guitar), Dan Simpson (drums) and James Harper (percussion) along with special guest Leonor Orellana. Their songs extend the folk tradition, and give new insights into the breadth of contemporary life. [website]

We are pleased to have Nayita and Manoli offering their tempting Latin American food as well as Maggie’s wonderful cakes. Tea and coffee available.

Foco Nuevo is a reference to Brisbane’s FOCO Club, a lively and alternative performance space which ran on a weekly basis during the late 1960s.

Looking forward to seeing you there,
Lachlan and Sue

9 thoughts on “FOCO NUEVO in September 09

  1. 'Al otro lado del rio' says:

    The day will come when we will be able to conquer
    Little by little, the cold
    I believe I have seen a light
    On the other side of the river

    Above all, I believe that all is not lost
    So many tears, So many tears
    [Alt. translation of “Tanta lágrima. Tanta lágrima.”
    “So much suffering. So much grief.”]
    And I am an empty glass [or – vessel] — Jorge Drexler in “Al otro lado del rio”

    Ian Curr
    December 2009


  2. Foco Nuvo in Oct 09 says:
    We are at the Kurilpa Hall again, which last month provided a very welcoming space for Foco Nuevo. For next week’s event we will again have a diverse range of music.The Goodwills: Bob and Laurel Wilson (aka The Goodwills) know the importance of harmony – in life and music! They have been singing together since they first met in the late 1970s, with an emphasis on performing Bob’s songs, ranging from droll humour to poignant ballads. But a variety of covers, done in ‘Goodwills’ style, are also in the mix. Bob plays six and 12-string guitars and harmonicas and provides harmonies to Laurel’s strong lead vocals. Watch out for her kazoobugle too… [website]


    Celtic Fyre came together in 2003 in order to perform and record on the University of Queensland pipe band’s CD “The White and the Blue”. Since then they have continued playing and evolved. With some line-up changes since their formation, they continue to explore many facets of traditional and contemporary Celtic music.


    Jumping Fences:


    Jumping Fences, the song-writing partnership of Lachlan Hurse and Sue Monk, will be playing their energetic mix of original and Latin American songs. While Ross Gwyther is away overseas, they will be accompanied by Robbie Stewart (lead guitar), Dan Simpson (drums) and James Harper (percussion) along with special guest Leonor Orellana. Their songs extend the folk tradition, and give new insights into the breadth of contemporary life. [website]

    We are pleased to have Nayita and Manoli offering their tempting Latin American food as well as Maggie’s wonderful cakes. Tea and coffee available.

    Foco Nuevo is a reference to Brisbane’s FOCO Club, a lively and alternative performance space which ran on a weekly basis during the late 1960s.

    Looking forward to seeing you there,

    Lachlan and Sue




    with Leonor Orellana

    Friday 30th October

    8.00 p.m.KURILPA HALL

    174 Boundary Street,

    West End Hot Latin American meals, cakes, tea and coffee available

    $10 / $7 concession

    N.B. BYO


    email enquiries:


  3. Foco Nuevo Nov 09 says:

    FOCO NUEVO in November…
    and on the move again!
    Like troubadours of old we are moving around, this month we are very grateful to the Communicatons, Electrical and Plumbing Union (CEPU) who are providing their hall for us at 41 Peel St, South Brisbane.

    For our final Foco Nuevo of the year (Friday 27 November 2009) we have two guest bands who have been very popular on previous appearances.

    Pirate Brides: With a repertoire spanning acoustic originals, bluegrass, contemporary folk and old -time, Pirate Brides combine great four-part vocals with tasty guitar, accordion, mandolin, clawhammer banjo, autoharp and double bass. They are a well-loved fixture in the Brisbane acoustic music scene, as well as entertaining audiences at festivals around the country such as Port Fairy, Woodford, The National, Majors Creek, Palm Creek, Dorrigo, Redlands Bluegrass, Imbil, Yagubi, Salty, seasoned, irreverent… Pirate Brides add an infectious love of fun to an accomplished performance. [website]

    Greshka are a troupe of aspiring musicians bringing the infectious beats and grooves of Eastern Europe to your feet. Their music extends from upbeat Yiddish tunes to traditional Serbian and Bosnian melodies and drunken um-pahs of the Russians. The five-piece lineup is comprised of soprano saxophone, trumpet, alto saxophone, double-bass and percussion. [website]

    Jumping Fences: Jumping Fences, the song-writing partnership of Lachlan Hurse and Sue Monk, will be playing their energetic mix of original and Latin American songs. In an extended line up, they will be accompanied by Ross Gwyther (tenor sax) Robbie Stewart (lead guitar), Dan Simpson (drums) and James Harper (percussion) along with special guest Leonor Orellana. Their songs extend the folk tradition, and give new insights into the breadth of contemporary life. [website]

    We are pleased to have Nayita and Manoli offering their tempting Latin American food as well as Maggie’s wonderful cakes. Tea and coffee available.

    Foco Nuevo is a reference to Brisbanes FOCO Club, a lively and alternative performance space which ran on a weekly basis during the late 1960s.

    Looking forward to seeing you there,

    Lachlan and Sue .


    Maya on Sax

    Sue Monk on Guitar, Vocals

    with Leonor Orellana

    Friday 27th November
    8.00 p.m.CEPU HALL
    41 Peel Street,
    South Brisbane
    (entry on Maryvale St)

    Light Latin American meals, cakes, tea and coffee available

    $10 / $7 concession

    N.B. BYO


    email enquiries:

    NEW! See Jumping Fences on YouTube: click here!

  4. Ichabod's Crane on YouTube says:


  5. 'Jumping Fences' on YouTube says:


    1. Mercedes Sosa dies says:

      The great Mercedes Sosa from Argentina has passed away.
      Mercedes Sosa

      Como La Cigarra
      I was killed so many times.
      I died so many times
      however, here I am
      I thank misfortune
      and I thank the hand with the dagger
      because it killed me so badly
      and I went on singing

      Singing to the sun
      like the cicada
      after a year
      under the earth
      just like a survivor,
      returning from war.

      So may times was I wiped away
      so many times did I disappear,
      I went to my own funeral
      alone and crying
      I tied a knot in my handkerchief
      but then I forgot
      that it hadn’t been the only time
      and I went on singing.

      Singing to the sun,
      like the cicada
      after a year
      under the earth
      just like a survivor
      returning from war

      So may times will you be killed
      so many will you revive
      how many years will you spend
      And at the moment of shipwreck
      and that of darkness
      someone will rescue you
      to go on singing

      Singing to the sun
      like the cicada,
      after a year
      below the earth
      just like a survivor
      returning from war. — Mercedes Sosa

      As we listened to her music during the 1980s, with her rich voice interpreting songs of the New Song Movement, she delivered a very moving portrait of Latin America. Mercedes Sosa was forced into exile during the military dictatorship in Argentina (after being arrested and searched on stage during a concert!).

      She collaborated with some of the greats of Latin American music, and became known for singing songs that uplifted people who were facing bleak times under military regimes. She became a strong symbol of resistance to oppression, small in stature but a giant in so many other ways.

      When Sue and I were in Havana in December 1985, we saw a film about Mercedes Sosa, ‘Sera Posible el Sur: Un Viaje por Argentina de la Mano de Mercedes Sosa’ (The South Will Be Possible: A Trip Through Argentina With Mercedes Sosa) as part of Cuba’s annual Latin American Film Festival.

      At the end of the screening, a person came on stage and said ‘We’re very pleased to welcome a special visitor to the festival.’ A spotlight in the cinema came on, it felt like it was pointed directly at Sue and me.

      However in the seat just in front of us was Mercedes Sosa, who stood up and then went down onto the stage talked to the audience.

      During the festivities afterwards we saw her in a crowded Chinese restaurant, where the speciality of the house was none other than Hainanese Chicken. Some say that Mary Travers (from Peter Paul and Mary) was also there, but I can’t confirm it.[Ed. Note: Mary Travers also died just last week.]

      Sadly we never got to hear Mercedes Sosa sing live. But below I include a translation of one of her signature songs, ‘Como La Cigarra’ (Like the Cicada) written by María Elena Walsh, as a small mark of respect to this remarkable woman.

      Lachlan Hurse from Jumping Fences
      October 2009

      1. hello,

        tomorrow night, being Tues oct 13, Stew Barry (double bass), Lachlan Mitchell (guitar and vocals) and Mark Henman (drums) and myself (tumpet and vocals) are coalescing musical ways at Lock n Load, west end, from 7 – 9pm. In a swinging kind of way. free entry

        come join us if you please


        1. gigs this weekend says:


          this saturday, oct 24, Ruby Blue are playing in the queen street mall (bottom end) from 12 – 2.30pm.

          that night I’m playing a solo set on guitar before Kingfisha at the Joynt. Start 9pm. 42 Montague rd, Sth Brisbane. Free Entry.

          Kingfisha feature two members of Ruby Blue and the songs of singer, Anthony Forrest. Warm-hearted vocals and deep groove for dancing.

          come if you please


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