2032 Olympics in Magandjin?

Save the cost of a new Olympics stadium by making the athletics track smaller so it will fit into the existing Gabba? The 100m track could be 90m, etc. An added bonus would be that the Brisbane Olympics will have the best world records in history.

Here’s Jonathan Sriranganathan’s take on a recent survey.

“We’ve now had over 800 responses to our survey about the Olympics and it’s pretty clear how unpopular the proposal to demolish and rebuild the Gabba is.

Upgrading and reusing QSAC at Nathan is emerging as the front-runner preferred option, with some divergence as to whether to choose a new athlete village site closer to Nathan, or just make the athletes travel all the way from the current proposed site at Hamilton.

(For those who are wondering, the survey didn’t include an option to simply renovate/upgrade the Gabba without demolishing, because we’ve been told that the changes required to fit a full-sized athletics track into the stadium’s current footprint would require such a major redesign of the existing stands and facilities that it’s essentially a full rebuild anyway).”

John Clarke and Brian Dawe on funding the Olympics.

Ian Curr

8 Feb 2024

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