‘Treasurer, this is not a time to be silent’

On 3 December 2023, eight weeks into the genocidal bombing of Gaza, people keep turning up to larger and larger demonstrations. This time in Logan Gardens. The Treasurer who was elected from this area, tried to contain the electoral damage of his failure to call for a ceasefire in Gaza by cancelling his Christmas Party at the leagues club nearby.

Feelings expressed by the Logan community are part of the mainstream, whereas the Australian press, the Australian government both sit at the extreme, on the side of fascist Israel, out of step with the rest of the world with the largest mass demonstrations in support of Palestine in history. Australian Treasurer’s Chalmers’ government has held out against the international tide of condemnation of Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. It is little wonder that a man who is touted to be a future Prime Minister refuses to defend his decision refusing to vote in the United Nations for a ceasefire.

In contrast, here is a speech given by Dania, a 14 year old schoolgirl in Logan, about the hypocrisy and cowardice of the Australian Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, over his government’s refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. If schoolkids can understand the issue, why can’t the Australian Treasurer? Dania expresses clearly Palestine supporters desire for peace with justice. This is what Dania had to say on 3 December 2023:

A story of how silence kills
Dania: “Alsalam ealaykum warahmat allah wabarakatuh … peace and blessings be upon you all. My name is Dania. And before I start, I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, past, present and emerging. I would like to just tell you (in) a short speech (and) to not keep you waiting.

As I stand here today, in the blazing sun, the sweat on my palms builds up and the redness on my face glows. We are here today for one man and one man only. Jim Chalmers, the Treasurer of Australia. Now I spoke to Mr. Chalmers the other week, urging him, telling him to speak on our community’s behalf. The community that voted for him. All I got was silence. Silence is a strong thing you see, you should be silent when you don’t know; but you should urge to seek knowledge.
You should be silent when what you have to say is wrong.

Listen, Mr Chalmers, this is not a time to be silent.

In your silence, every tone I seek is heard, I know what you stand for in your silence. Your silence is a thousand words. Silence starts and stops you in the same place. … ??? …

We gave you the knowledge. We helped you understand the facts.

But let me give you a reminder if it simply blew past your head. If you simply don’t know your stance. I see your pride as prejudice. I see your silence as weakness. And I see my words to you empty.

My last thing I would like to say is this world is a dangerous place.

Not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. Thank you

Justice for Palestine Meanjin, Qld Muslims Inc and Brisbane Stands with Palestine called for a rally at Logan city on Sunday 3 Dec 2023. The rally took place at 10 am at Logan Gardens on Civic Parade Logan city.

The Australian government has blood on its hands because of its military contracts with Israel and its failure to call for a ceasefire despite the genocidal bombardment of Gaza by Israel. Some weeks ago the Australian government voted for genocide supported by the treasurer Jim Chalmers and the Federal Member for Moreton, Graham Perrett (who has privately recanted on twitter/X). Both of these politicians have kowtowed to the Israeli lobby and pressure from the United States both actively engaged in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank.

Neither member that cover the two electorates in Logan City (Rankin and Moreton) has called for a ceasefire. Of course Graham Perrett, the patron of Labor Friends of Palestine, has done so on Twitter but that is just to curry favour with his very large Muslim electorate. The hypocrisy of the Treasurer and the member for Moreton must not be accepted.

Protest at Parliament house in George Street Brisbane

Ian Curr,
3 Dec 2023

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