Media one-sided on Gaza

The news clip below may seem innocent enough. But Kerry Stokes’ media arm, Channel 7, shows little concern for the Palestinian people suffering Israeli bombardment in Gaza: Channel 7 news reporter, Joel Dry, announced to his Brisbane audience that “In a tense time a provocative statement flies in Brisbane, Justice for Palestine hanging the Palestinian flag on the goodwill bridge” and one of its interviewees, Jason Steinberg, from the local Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies said: “it’s not a time for celebration. It’s not a time for what we’ve seen in Sydney, for chanting and and singing and dancing …

The Channel 7 reporter prefaced his interview with a Palestinian-Australian from Gaza, with the statement: “The Palestinian community here, hoping Australia understands Hamas doesn’t speak for their entire nation.” As viewers may have noticed this is a stock-in-trade line put forward by both commercial and the ABC, to get a Palestinian on the show for the purpose of asking them to denounce Hamas. The ABC put Palestinian advocate, Nasser Mashni (APAN), on the Project on Monday night (9 October 2023) because they want him to condemn Hamas. Reporters never preface interviews with members of the Jewish community if they support the murderous war crimes being committed by the Israeli government against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. 

Waleed Aly and Sarah Harris interview Nasser Mashni (APAN) on The Project on Monday 9 Oct 2023

On the following day (10 October 2023) the ABC invited Nasser Mashni on their news program. In a 6 minute interview the ABC’s Lisa MILLER and Michael ROWLAND, on no fewer that 11 occasions, asked Nasser to justify the actions of Hamas. Are these experienced journalists following ABC ethical principles of fair and honest reporting, or are they the mouthpiece for Israel seeking to explain its genocidal intent against the Palestinians? On one occasion, after a brief explanation of international law by Nasser, Michael Rowland ignored what the Palestinian advocate had just said and began a barrage of questions about Hamas beginning with this clip:

These war crimes were alluded by the spokesperson from Justice for Palestine (Meanjin) but specifically excluded from the Channel 7 report. Alex Bainbridge, speaking on behalf of Justice for Palestine (Meanjin), explained to the Channel 7 reporter that “the main thing is, the only pathway to peace involves ending the occupation (of Palestine)”. This is not a cliche, the occupation cannot be filmed in the same way the bombing can be, but it is a brutal system of force imposed on Palestinians both in Gaza and in the West Bank. Bainbridge went on to say “cutting off electricity and food to Gaza is a war crime“. Bainbridge explained that “Palestinians have tried negotiations, mass peaceful protests, BDS, appeals to the UN and many other things.”

One commentator said “This was classic ‘conflict’ reporting by commercial media”. How biased are the comments by the Channel 7 reporter and the people he interviewed (apart from the Palestinian). There won’t be anyone with any concern for human rights singing and dancing at the deaths of thousands of people in Gaza as Israeli planes level a city smaller than Brisbane.

On the other hand, Israelis near the border with Gaza have often been seen celebrating the misfortunes of the Palestinians during the bombing of Gaza. Hamas called their operation Al Aqsa flood. Palestinians were attacked and assaulted outside the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and Israeli settlers celebrated a fire at the Mosque on 10 May 2023 shown in a Turkish report below.

Channel 7 edited out all of these comments from Alex Bainbridge for Justice for Palestine (Meanjin)

Instead, Kerry Stokes media arm interviewed several people with pro-Israeli sentiments calling on police to do something to sideline the Palestinian voice. Police has launched a dedicated task force which will be reviewing social media video of the demonstration last night in Sydney. A spokesperson for the Jewish community said: “I call on the police and the Attorney General to prosecute to the full extent of the law.” Who? For what? They cut that bit out!

It was Kerry Stokes Channel 7 that financed war criminal, Ben Roberts-Smith, in his bid to win a defamation action against journalists who exposed his murder of innocent civilians in Afghanistan.

Here is the news clip from Channel 7:

Protests at Israeli bombing of Gaza will be held on Friday 13 Oct 2023 in King George Square at 6pm and again on Saturday 21 October 2023 at 2pm in the same place.

Ian Curr
11 Oct 2023

7 thoughts on “Media one-sided on Gaza

  1. War News:

    Israel IDF have completed the encirclement of Northern Gaza. Israel has a clear intent in fighting this war. To force the complete unconditional surrender of Hamas. This regime change war, seeks to transfer the PA as the government of the Gaza Palestinian state.

    All Hamas together with its allies, utterly removed from E. Jerusalem and Samaria. Arabs who remain within the borders of the Jewish state must swear their allegiance to Israel. Arabs who refuse must leave the Jewish state and move to become citizens of the PA Gaza Palestinian state.

    The Great War has begun:
    3 Nov! Hellfire Has Completely Surrounded Hamas! Israel Has Finally Collapsed Largest Tunnel! – YouTube

    1. The crude comment by ‘moshekerr’ is either zionist propaganda or an Israeli bot. Its account with accompanying YouTube videos is false. WordPress should take down the website that accompanies it. Like the crude YouTube video all the comments may have been generated by a robot.

      The slaughter of a convoy of ambulances and cars is but one example of the extreme ignorance and lack of humanity by this commentator/bot.

      Ian Curr Ed.,
      3 Nov 2023.

      1. Noise. While i am not on the front fighting, unlike you “Ian Curr”, I live in Israel. Death to Hamas. The Government of Hamas in Gaza has reached its end.
        Ian a lifelong unionist during his working life, including at the Australian Tax Office but got fired for incompetence. Ian was also dismissed from community radio station 4ZZZ after 10 years on ‘The Paradigm Shift’.

        1. Moshekerr,
          Small Lie No 1
          Read the link you sent … I was not ‘fired for incompetence’ as you claim.
          Snall Lie No 2
          I was not dismissed from 4ZZZ. The show I was part of continues to this day.
          Big lie No 1
          Hamas is not defeated despite the Gaza strip bombarded by the equivalent of rwo and a half nuclear bombs. Israel will never defeat the palestinian resistance.
          Big lie No 2
          It is true that I am not on the front and neither are the people from International solidarity with Palestine. We support the palestinian resistance and will provide it with whatever it needs from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
          Ian Curr
          9 November 2023

  2. Utter Noise/UN: Hamas must unconditionally surrender to Israel.

    1. ABC Management directive on GAZA reporting, prior to broadcasting:
      No Information. No Journalism. Approved.

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