Racist police murdered blackfella in Toowoomba

Choke the cunt, choke him out” – Queensland police officer assisting in the murder of aboriginal man.

“I struck him in the quad with my baton to achieve compliance and it was not effective so I wrapped the baton around in a bear hug and as he was larger than me it was not effective,” – evidence at inquest in Toowoomba by Qld police officer who said he did not explain himself or tell the aboriginal man or anyone else in the SUV they were under arrest before smashing the window.

Outside inquest into the murder of an aboriginal man held in Toowoomba on 11 September 2023
Queensland police officer applying a chokehold to a woman in King George Square in Brisbane during international women’s day 1978

Under cross-examination Qld police officer denied his bear hug had prevented the deceased man from complying with directions to get on the ground. The policeman also denied his actions in approaching the car were impudent or stupid if he was truly concerned his police car would be rammed. – from Inquest shown video of Queensland police applying ‘chokehold’ before Indigenous man’s death.

An ABC report states: “The family of an Aboriginal man who died in police custody has welcomed a ban on the use of chokeholds during arrests, but says there are continued cultural issues between First Nations peoples and police.” An inquest into the death of the young man is going ahead in Toowoomba.

First Nations people made the following call: “If everyone can manage both there is a Vigil at the Coroner’s Inquest for Steven Nixon-McKellar who died in Oct 2021 during restraint, chokehold and carotid pressure by police. It’s at tomorrow 8am to 10am in Queens Park in Toowooomba opposite the courthouse. Bring a candle and a black armband if you can.”Indigenous Aboriginal

As someone who was put in a chokehold by Queensland task force and rendered unconscious during an attempt to march for democratic rights in Brisbane on 30 October 1978, my sympathy goes out to the aboriginal family of the young blackfella murdered by police in a similar way.

Jonathan Sriranganathan had this to say at a commemoration for the young man racially targeted by police.

Stop Black Deaths in Custody!

Ian Curr
11 Sept 2023

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