India’s withdrawal from the Talisman Sabre war exercises welcomed

“India’s withdrawal from the Talisman Sabre war exercises is a very welcome announcement”, according to Ms Annette Brownlie, spokesperson for the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN).

“United States and Australian government hopes for India joining the Quad and making it a military alliance have been dashed by India’s withdrawal from the Talisman Sabre war games,” said Ms Brownlie.
“Cancellation of this practice for a war against China would be in the best interest for peace in our region,” she said.

The Talisman Sabre exercises are set to commence in Queensland, Northern Territory and other states on 22nd July 2023. Thousands of troops primarily from the US and Australia with smaller number from other countries will participate in the largest-ever joint war exercises to develop the coordination between forces under US command in preparation for war. Every indication is that the preparation is for a war against China.

“IPAN believes it is highly significant that India has recognized the purpose of this war exercise and decided to pull out of it,” said Ms Brownlie.

“IPAN supports the call by the Pacific Peace Network for cancellation of this war exercise which does nothing to promote peace in our region. To the contrary, it heightens tensions and raised the risk of an error or mishap that could trigger a break-out of hostilities in our region.”

Media Interviews: Annette Brownlie 0431 597 256
Media Liaison: Jonathan Pilbrow 0403 611 815

Bio Annette Brownlie: Annette is a founding member of the Brisbane based community Peace organisation Just Peace Qld and the Chairperson of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network IPAN

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