No more sell-outs: remember Bernie Neville and the SEQEB workers

Chairperson: Before this meeting begins can you please give your name, your gender and preferred pronoun?
Bernie: My name is Bernie Neville and I am a human being.

Bernie Neville’s contribution to workers struggle

The Brisbane Labour History Association has published this article about Bernie Neville in its journal. My thanks to the editor, Queensland Journal of Labour History and Secretary, Brisbane Labour History Association, Dean Wharton. It is important to honour rank-and file-people like Bernie and to record their contribution to workers struggle.

The Qld Journal of Labour History (QJLH) is published by the Brisbane Labour History Association twice per year – usually in April and September each year.

QJLH maintains an archive of earlier editions of the journal, and you can download them here.  The latest 3 years’ editions are available for purchase from the Secretary of the BLHA, Dean Wharton.  You can also download the Editorial (with a Contents page) of these most recent editions – it contains a good summary of the contents of each issue (Click on the issue you would like to download).

Bernie Neville criticises Labor Premier Peter Beattie at May Day 2005 for announcing a state funeral for disgraced former premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen. Also on the May Day platform in Roma Street gardens is former President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Sharan Burrow. Bernie Neville is wearing a T-shirt that states “Our Rights at Work are worth fighting for

Ian Curr, Editor WBT, 10 April 2023.

Qld Journal of Labour History now post all their journals, in full, within a month or so of publication at:

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