Palestinian uncle’s plea for help

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End travel restrictions on Palestinians

Sun, Nov 13, 2022 12:45PM • 7:47


Khalil, 4PR – Voice of the People

4PR – Voice of the People 

We’re at the Milton markets and I’m talking with Khalil Hamdan, who has a nuts and fruit store here and honey. And he’s explaining why it is that his nephew’s bone was smashed. The reason,


… the first thing to do, because my sister she living in Maan road from Nablus to Jenin, right in the front is high, three storey high, she live in top floor. And as the stairs goes up the top floor, but that not only was there, what did, you took her mobile phone, and Basim phone and destroy it. And the snipers straightaway don’t have the roof. And the reason they destroy it to stopping Basim warning his friends, young people not to go out on the street because they’re looking for anyone in the street to shoot. And that’s the reason why destroy it.

4PR – Voice of the People 

So the children are in their homes, they go out in the street. And if someone sees a Israeli soldier, what do they do?


They hide but because they have they can the roof and didn’t know that because they comes in in the morning. And they’re waiting for anybody walking the street to shorts. Anyone who throws a stone, and this one is through their mobile phone

4PR – Voice of the People 

So they destroy the phone. Now this is on a petition to end the restrictions on Palestinian travel to Australia. It’s to the Prime Minister, would you please consider signing this petition. It is submitted by the Big Ride for Palestine (Australia), to Anthony Albanese, the Prime Minister of Australia, because we have been writing and talking to government authorities about the situation on the West Bank and Gaza in Palestine. We’re trying to assist Khalil’s family who are from a refugee camp on the West Bank, and their apartment has been raided and trashed by Israeli occupation forces on a number of occasions. Their youngest son has been threatened and his phone smashed. This is a war situation. And while governments and media discuss other hotspots in the world, namely Ukraine and the South China Sea, a full blown conflict has developed under their noses in Palestine. Palestine is an emergency that needs to be taken seriously. We’re calling on the Australian Government to relax tight restrictions on Palestinian travel to Australia just as he did for Ukrainians, Palestinians have a right to work, study and reunite with family and friends abroad. So please consider signing the petition on Put your your name and your email address and we will keep you updated on developments. Thank you this is Ian Curr 4PR voice of the people let’s go out with a song by Fairouz ‘We shall return’.

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