Beware the profiteers of doom

Tulsi Gabbard was formerly a Democrat member of US congress. Gubbard recently left the Democratic Party after failing to get its nomination to run for president of the United States. Looks like Tulsi has a radio program. Gabbard says to avoid nuclear war in Ukraine we need to look to the words of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the man who took us to the brink of nuclear destruction during the Cuban missile crisis in the 1960s. Gabbard served with the US invading forces in both Kuwait and Iraq.

Jeffery Sachs refers to the ‘US proxy war in Ukraine’, and the dangers of Nuclear War.

Sachs was one of the architects of the current situation in Russia … he recommended what Naomi Klein calls “disaster capitalism” to Yeltsin and this helped created the oligarchs wealth and power. This consigned Russian people to poverty, even middle-class people were selling their possessions in the streets. 

After Sachs economic recommendations to the dictator of  Bolivia,  to post-solidarity Poland and to Yeltsin in Russia… his advice led to millions of people ending up in the streets in those countries. 

The irony is he calls his aim the end of poverty!

While I agree with his call for a ceasefire in Ukraine, they should have nothing to do with Sachs and his talking up the possibility of nuclear war … a ceasefire should be overseen by the UN and referenda should be held in both Donbass and Crimea to see if the people want to be part of Russia.

What is the only country on earth that has ever used nuclear weapons? Who used depleted uranium in Iraq?

Why do the Americans keep telling us that the Russians are doing badly in Ukraine? Why do they keep talking up Zelinsky and the Ukrainian military?  

All Putin wants to do is sell Russian gas to Germany. The Ukrainian government has been stealing Russian gas, plus they have been charging royalties to send it across the country in pipes to Europe. I say the Americans blew up the Nordstream pipelines. This is because the Americans want to sell LNG to Europe and wish to dispense with their two main competitors in Europe, Russia and Germany. It is all about trade.

That’s all for now.
Ian Curr
25 October 2020


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