Stop Israel’s Elbit Systems

Elbit Systems is Israel’s largest privately-owned arms and security company which produces 85 percent of the drones and land-based equipment used by the Israeli military. It is a major arms exporter that has sold its weapons as being ‘field tested’ which refers to the Israeli Defence Force’s extensive use of Elbit weaponry in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza.

#JusticeforPalestine protest outside Israeli Elbit Systems in Eagle Farm in Brisbane/Meanjin

Elbit Systems is the subject of international condemnation and divestment due to its complicity with Israel’s severe violations of international law and human rights conventions.
• Elbit drones have been used on successive attacks on civilians in Gaza in 2009, 2012 and in Israel’s 2014 Operation Protective Edge, which is now part of an International Criminal Court investigation.

• Elbit drones are also used for surveillance throughout Gaza, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and East Jerusalem supporting the arbitrary arrest and imprisonment of civilians and the curtailment of freedom of movement throughout Jerusalem and the Occupied Territories.
• Elbit provides electronics for the ‘separation wall’ which was deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice in July 2004 and which supports Israel’s apartheid policies which have been condemned by Israel’s most prominent NGO B’tselem.

• Elbit manufactures or has manufactured several types of weapons that are considered controversial or illegal under the laws of war which include weaponized white phosphorus, cluster bombs, and flechette projectiles which the Israeli military has used in various offensives.
• Amnesty International reiterated its call for a comprehensive arms embargo of Israel in 2018 as a result of the indiscriminate shooting of unarmed protestors at the Gaza fence using weaponry produced by IMI, an Israeli arms manufacturer taken over by Elbit in 2018.

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