War of Terror

No Wikileaks today about Sapper Jamie Larcombe
No mention of his Afghan mate
They lost their lives at Mirabad last night
Jamie died, despite first aid, unable to be saved
Gunshot wounds killed Sapper Larcombe
Air Vice Marshall Houston sighed
Only 21 years old and his interpreter buried according to local custom.
– Last Train to Mirabad

Here is a video I made that was initially banned by YouTube, I appealed and YouTube re-instated it but placing an age restriction on it.

Please note that there are some confronting images from the Vietnam war in this film. You can view it with captions on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeHTT6IhFgY

This is a video collage depicting iconic images from unjust wars set to the Oscar winning song “Windmills of your mind” that appeared in the “The Thomas Crown Affair” about a rich playboy planning a robbery.

Images in order of appearance
Malcolm Fraser as Army Minister visits diggers in Vietnam circa 1968.
Young Vietnamese girl fleeing napalm bombing by the US. This turned people off the war.
Phil Monsour sings at demonstration against Israeli bombing of Lebanon and Gaza circa 2011.
Bombing of the King David Hotel in Palestine circa 1947
Young Palestinian woman speaks out against Israeli bombing
Sapper Jamie Larcombe who was killed in Afghanistan circa 2012
US soldiers observe the Arab Spring.
Anti-war marches during 1970 Vietnam Moratorium.
‘Last Exit from Dickson’ for Peter Dutton.

Dutton dumped in Dickson
Australian Minister for Border Force, Peter Dutton, holds the seat of Dickson in Queensland. He is finished. His concept of Liberalism is dead. Like the men who came before him war, economic rationalism has proven irrational and blood thirsty.
Story – https://www.facebook.com/notes/jackie-sun/windmills-of-your-mind/1096718297160241/
Windmills of Your Mind
Singer – Dusty Springfield

Concept and Video collage by Ian Curr.
“Windmills of your mind” composed by Michel Le Grand and sung by Dusty Springfield.

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