No Nuclear Subs

Please consider adding your name to the Newspaper Advert

A Public Call for Peace

A number of peace, community, environment and faith organisations are planning to place an advertisement in a national newspaper calling on the Australian government not to involve Australia in a war with China over Taiwan; to sign the UN Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons; and direct public spending away from AUKUS (Australia UK US) war preparations to urgent social and environmental needs. 

National Newspaper Advertisement

“We call on the Government of Australia in the interests of peace and security for the Australian people and the region:

•           To advise its AUKUS partners that Australia will not be involved in a war against   China over Taiwan or disputed territorial waters in the South China Sea, or any other country, and will not allow use of Australian territory for that purpose

•           To sign and ratify the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

•           To cancel military spending for AUKUS war preparations, including cancellation of the acquisition of nuclear-propelled submarines, so that urgent domestic social needs (climate change mitigation, education, health including public hospitals and housing) can be better addressed.”

Sign at

Over 1,000 signatures of organisations and individuals are being sought to back this statement for publication. The aim is to publish in one of the national newspapers on the anniversary of the announcement of the AUKUS military pact,16th September,2022.

To cover the cost of publishing the statement in one of the major national newspapers on 16 September we request individual donations of $20 (or what you can afford) and larger amounts from organisations.

As at 17th August, 2022, 237 signatures have been received and $6,173 in donations.

This statement can be signed and donations made on the Australian Anti-AUKUS Coalition website

This campaign is co-ordinated by the national Australian Anti-AUKUS Coalition (AAAC) with the support of peace, community, faith organisations and unions.

Please donate towards covering the cost of placing this advertisement in a major national newspaper on 16 September.

To contact AAAC:

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