Transitioning from Coal

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Of course Barnaby is wrong … but so is the Guardian guy. I was in the workforce from 1967 till 2003 (when I was sacked) plus I was made redundant in different industries on a number of occasions … transitioning to another industry was very difficult, basically I spent about 8 of those 36 years either unemployed or working as a casual and going from job to job. Nearly all of the years after I was sacked in 2003 I did volunteer work eg at a community radio station (that also sacked me even though they did not pay me), that is nearly half of my working life, unemployed. I know the Guardian says you can move people from coal to construction, from car manufacture to other factory jobs, but it isn’t really that simple. The stats about jobs creation do not tell the human story behind redundancy. But I am glad to see that it has been raised here

There is way more to this story … what do other people think?

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