From Australia to Cuba with love!

We have done it!! In just seven weeks, 60 participants have cycled, walked, run, danced, swum, wind-surfed and canoed over 14,886 kilometres; the distance between Canberra and Havana, Cuba! A great achievement, demonstrating solidarity and a call to end the United States blockade of Cuba, which imposes enormous hardship on the people of this vibrant island.

Lachlan at Wynnum on Brisbane’s seaside after completing 2,500 Kilometres towards the 15,000 kms between Canberra and Havana

Today I rode out through Highgate Hill and SouthBank, onto the V1 Veloway and turned onto the Bulimba Creek Bikeway heading north. I detoured out to Wynnum to catch up with my former work colleague, comrade and friend all-in-one Barb Williams who organises Vintage Reds, Brisbane’s retired unionist network. Barb is also participating in ‘From Australia to Cuba with Love’; it was great to catch up! On the way I passed my own 2500 kilometre mark. I returned over the Gateway Bridge and home via New Farm, a journey of 90 km.

Now we have ahead of us the slightly daunting task of doing the same distance again, for the return journey, but this time over 8 weeks. Again, we’ll be meeting politicians, unionists and others, raising the issue of the blockade and raising funds for vital medical supplies!

Lachlan Hurse
ACFS Brisbane (Meanjin)
18 Feb 2022


From Australia to Cuba with Love meets with Parliamentary friends of Cuba

Today three ACFS members, Peter Hood, Adam Mayers and Rob Parnell cycled 15 ks from the Cuban Embassy in O’Malley to Parliament House to meet with members of the Parliamentary Friends of Cuba Group. We met with Warren Entsch, Steve Georganas, Susan Templeman and Maria Vamvakinou. We explained our campaign and brought to their attention the extreme difficulty of transferring funds and humanitarian aid to Cuba.

Peter Hood
ACFS Canberra
15 Feb 2022

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