Campaign to end US blockade of Cuba gathers momentum

‘From Australia to Cuba with Love’ has just completed its 6th week. We have covered 13,583 kms, raised $19,590 for medical provisions for Cuba and we are very encouraged to see that the campaign is still gathering momentum. Photos and stories that participants have been sharing through social media, along with recent radio interviews on 3CR in Melbourne and 4ZZZ in Brisbane, have helped raise awareness about the ongoing brutal effects of the US government’s ongoing economic blockade, the longest trade embargo in history. The campaign is also continuing to receive attention in Cuba across a range of media, with videos and messages of thanks being sent and Cuban cyclists joining our Strava campaign group.

Araucarians in the Secret Forest on Oxley Common

The Guardian recently published this article to mark the date, February 3rd, 1962 when US President John F Kennedy decreed an end to trade relations with Cuba. Interestingly, Kennedy’s daughter, Caroline Kennedy, is the current US Ambassador to Australia, and with Biden’s additional sanctions against Cuba there is still no change in sight.

What next

After receiving several suggestions about the next half of the campaign, our Australia-Cuba Friendship Society here in Brisbane agrees that we are likely to cover twice the distance we had first planned. So, we’ll be ramping up the campaign – “From Australia to Cuba with Love – the round trip!” with a new target of 29,772 kilometres.

We are also planning a series of group activities and events including a celebration when we reach our initial target. We will be sending information about these activities soon and we hope you will be able to join us for some/all of these.


If you would like to record a brief message of support for the campaign, you can send it to me from your phone and I will be happy to forward them to our Cuban supporters.

Please spread the word about the campaign, share any photos and stories of your journey on your Dashboard blog space on the campaign website, or share them to any social media you use, with the hashtag #UnblockCuba or #Aus2CubaWithLove.

Don’t forget to check our blog site here, or on the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane) Facebook page here.

Finally, some people who are unable to actively participate in the campaign have asked to purchase t-shirts. We’ve been told by several people, and we’ve experienced ourselves, that the t-shirts are great conversation starters. Please send me an email if you know anyone would like to buy one for $20 and I’ll be happy to post it.

Yours in solidarity


Sue Monk
Australia–Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane)

Araucarians on walk from Australia to Cuba with Love

Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane)

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