Ban Boeing from UQ

University of Queensland has the long-running partnership with arms manufacturers like Boeing Defence Australia Proprietary Limited. Boeing manufactures various weapon systems including: E-7A Wedgetail, P-8A Poseidon and Currawong battlespace communications system.

PhD students at the University assist in the development of these weapons.

According to local Wage Peace group the university should divest from Boeing which is running a number of campaigns during the university orientation week. Their posters before give some information.

It should not be forgotten that the University of Queensland accepted $$$millions from Dow Chemical Company chief executive and DowDuPont director Andrew Liveris. This is an oft employed strategy by DowDuPont using philanthropy to cover up its history. The University should never have accepted the money. Dow was responsible for providing Agent Orange and Napalm during the American war in Vietnam causing countless deaths and maiming of Vietnamese people and of soldiers involved in the conflict.

Ian Curr
2 Feb 2022

Wage Peace poster

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