Bogus claims in SOS video

There is a video circulating calling for help for first nations people in the Northern Territory where there is a lot of confusion about Covid-19. Aboriginal people are hesitant of vaccination. This because many first nations people have underlying medical conditions which increase the level of risk by Covid-19 and by some treatments for the disease.

Let’s take the claims in the video by David Cole (on social media not through any recognised aboriginal organisation) one by one:

1. David says he is part of the original sovereign tribal Federation in Northern Territory – a descendant of the Luritja people from the central desert.

This was the first mob in Central Australia to obtain land rights from the Whitlam government in 1974.

2. That foreign military (Kopassus) is forcing people in Katherine to be vaccinated. David says ‘We have the Northern Territory Government force-vaccinating our people pressuring them, using military, using foreign military, foreign police officers, and local, local military and local police officers to pressure our people into taking this this bioweapon.’

This is clearly untrue. Kopassus is not under the command of the Northern Territory government or any other Australian government. They are a force unto themselves who participated in the genocide in east Timor and currently involved in the colonial exploitation of the people of West Papua. A Vaccine is not a bioweapon, it helps save lives.

3. That people are dying from forced vaccination and that this is genocide. He states: ‘Our people are dying. Right now in town. We have two large apartment blocks.’

There is no mandatory vaccination scheme in the NT and even if there were, the injection of a foreign protein into your body is likely to trigger a response from your immune system but this response is usually mild unless it triggers an allergic response. If that is the case, this is usually countered by injection of epinephrine (adrenalin) which is an effective counter because it gets the respiratory and cardiac systems going after an acute allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). This is why the presence of a doctor is required when people are given the Covid-19 vaccines in Australia. There have been no reports of fatalities from the 51 cases in Katherine.

4. Lurpna (David) claims that ‘the Northern Territory Government and Michael Gunna, who was pushing this mandate with the police with the military. This is genocide against the oldest living culture on the planet’ –

Katherine is in lockdown, while Binjari and Rockhole are under tighter restrictions. There is no mandate for vaccination in Australia. Lockdown is standard procedure experienced by people in Melbourne for the past 18 months. For example people in Brunswick in Melbourne were in lockdown for 4 weeks in July ’21. People were unable to leave the state, to do so would require heavy penalty and enforced quarantine in a hotel at your own expense.

6. Getting kicked out of housing blocks in Darwin’ … David says ‘Everybody has been told in those blocks. If you do not get the vaccine, you must leave now.  So they’re stopping out people from the communities coming into town. They are now kicking our people out of housing commission houses because they won’t get the vaccination and making them homeless in the city.’

Sadly it does not take Covid-19 for aboriginal people to be kicked out of public housing. The aboriginal grannies group in Brisbane have been to the Dept of Housing with aboriginal tenants on countless occasions when they have been kicked out. Mostly it is because of racism … I think refusal to get a vaccine would be pretty low down on the list for eviction of aboriginal families.

Aboriginal people are hesitant of vaccination. This because many first nations people have underlying medical conditions.

7. David calls for international intervention. He says ‘Candace Owens (a conservative talk show host in the US), she called it out, she called on the US. Why isn’t the US military intervening here, when they went into Iraq and Afghanistan over lies?

You would think that political people who saw through the lie by the United States government about WMDs in Iraq … that they would see through the lies behind the great Covid conspiracy. Maybe people did believe the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, when he stood up and lied through his teeth? He was an authority figure after all.

And what about the pandemics that are killing first nations people: diabetes, rheumatic fever, heart disease, kidney disease and list goes on. There is a long history devastating effects of pandemics like smallpox in aboriginal Australia, partly this was because of the isolation of living on an island continent. Why should first nations people have their lives cut short? The people in the video have legitimate grievances for their country was stolen from them. But to join with organisations like QAnon and to support false claims about Covid conspiracy by former President Trump is no act of sovereignty.

In Australia, ‘since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 21 November 2021, about 38.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered. The TGA has found 9 reports of death that were linked to immunisation from 682 reports received and reviewed. The overwhelming majority of deaths reported occurred in people aged 65 years and older. The deaths linked to immunisation occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – 8 were TTS cases and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).’ – Department of Health TGA @

Clearly the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks.

Ian Curr
25 Nov 2021

Full Transcript of monologue by David Cole (Lurpna)


David Cole (Lurpna)

My name is Lurpna Jumba Jimba (indistinct). Some of us know me as David (Cole). I’m a descendant of the Luritja (?) from the central desert. I will say descend from the Scottish and Irish tribes of Europe. We are a part of the original sovereign tribal Federation. We are part of the community. We are part of the people. And we stand in here united to make our make it an international call for assistance. We need international attention focused on what’s happening here in our communities. We have the Northern Territory Government force-vaccinating our people pressuring them, using military, using foreign military, foreign police officers, and local, local military and local police officers to pressure our people into taking this this bioweapon.  They are not informing the people, they are lining them up, they are pressuring them. They are telling them they can’t eat in the shops, they can’t leave the community, they can’t go shopping elsewhere. Those Those who are being forced those who are fleeing to get food or fleeing from this forced vaccination are actually being fined $5,000 for leaving the community.

So this is martial law. This is a war crime. This is a crime against humanity. And everything that has been implemented against humanity has been trialed and practiced on the tribal people of this continent. We are the guinea pigs. We are the dry run for everything. What they are doing our community right now. Do not think because you live in major cities that you avoid of it. This is a dry run for the rest of the country and the rest of the world. They are trialing it on us. They tried the basic card, okay, universal income, non cash card, everything gets tried on us, the New World Order agenda, everything has been trialed in practiced on the sovereign tribal people of this continent.  What they are doing now is they are forcing this genocidal weapon onto us through coercion, through force, through pressure, through the relief of getting a feed or food or getting money. They are pressuring us in every way. And now they are going in with the military. They are locking down entire communities. They are not letting people in or out. They are they are protecting their crime by shutting everybody out. And they are pressuring and forcing our people to take this bioweapon. Our people are scared. Our people are frightened. Our people are in terrorized out there. Okay, this is torture. Do not be mistaken. 

This is torture. And we are calling out for the international community to bring this to the attention of the world. Candace Owens, she called it out, she called on the US. Why isn’t the US military intervening here, when they went into Iraq and Afghanistan over lies? Well, we’re not lying to you. We’re the people on the ground. We are the people watching our people die from this bioweapon. This is truth. This is reality. Do not ignore this cry, do not ignore this call-out, please.  We’re asking the international community to please raise the awareness around the world and bring support.

We need to pressure this government and the Northern Territory Government and Michael Gunna, who was pushing this mandate with the police with the military. This is genocide against the oldest living culture on the planet. This is wiping out the oldest living culture on the planet, who you’re part of our culture is your culture. Our law is your law. We hold all 7 DNAs. And as when we are gone, the reminder of who we all are to humanity in this planet is gone. So we need us to stand up, show some courage, show someone to come forward and help us stop this genocide against our people. Because our people are suffering, our children are suffering. And like my sister said, when the elders are gone, when the parents are gone, one of the children are going to have? nothing, they’re going to be removed off the land. 

This is this is a land grab. This has got nothing to do with health. This is a land grab. And they are using this bioweapon to wipe us out to get rid of the bloodline to take over the land. They’ve stuffed down south, they want the resources, they want the water, this is a land grab, they’re coming for everything.  They’re going to kill us. And they’re going to wipe out 15 million Australian people to get us in the process. So wake up Australia, Wake Up World, come to our aid, stand up expose the criminal genocide that we have been subjected to now. And in this now. Or you going to lose the oldest living culture on the planet. And if we all sit by idly and we don’t do anything about this, we’re all complicit.  So come forward, please. How people are dying. Right now in down. We have two large apartment blocks.

Okay, they are Housing Commission blocks. Everybody has been told in those blocks. If you do not get the vaccine, you must leave now.  So they’re stopping out people from the communities coming into town. They are now kicking our people out of housing commission houses because they won’t get the vaccination and making them homeless in the city. When they have nowhere to go. And they start to act up. They’re going to imprison them. Okay, so they’re using this to get us out of the scene to wipe us out and to take us out. This is not a joke.

This is a serious call out to the world. And we are asking you as a sovereign, original sovereign Tribal people of this land, the ordinary executives and the heads of state, we are asking the world that please come and help us. Please pay attention to what’s happening and expose this tyranny and this genocide before we die and lose it all. Ma

David Cole
25 Nov 2021


pressuring, wipe, community, people, call, military, land, trialed, genocide, international community, sovereign, tribal, force, planet, humanity, world, blocks, crime, oldest, terrorized

11 thoughts on “Bogus claims in SOS video

  1. YouTube has withdrawn the video ‘Bogus claims in SOS Video‘.

    YouTube mismanages Covid information

    I do not think that Google/YouTube is in a place to criticise how we go about fighting Covid in Australia. Less than 70% of people in California are fully vaccinated. Covid has contributed to over 800,000 deaths in the US.

    YouTube is owned by Google LLC which is an American transnational technology company operating out of silicon valley in California.

    Google claims that ‘Bogus claims in SOS Video’ is spreading medical misinformation.

    Clearly the ‘people’ at YouTube either cannot read or take no heed of the video’s title which is a critique of ‘bogus medical claims’ made in the SOS video. Or is it only a computer algorithm that runs YouTube now?

    Nor have they read the article posted in the description of the video which states: “Clearly the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks.” These remarks are in line with international and local medical guidelines.

    You will not find this kind of stupidity at WBT. We do not censor nor do we allow unsubstantiated claims to go unchallenged. And we are not computers … we are human.

    Ian Curr
    24 Dec 2021

    Don’t waste the Territory

    Ian Curr
    24 Dec 2021

  2. Ray Bergmann says:

    What a casual dismissal of the seriousness of 38 close contacts of a community leader who has tested positive to the unreliable PCR test being carted off by the army to Howard Springs internment facility! And what a casual dismissal of the drastic lockdown of the whole region that the Chief Minister of N.T. Michael Gunner has been hampered from fracking because of the objections by indigenous land owners who worry about their water table becoming contaminated! – All this happening as Australia sinks into rigid dictatorship! After mobile phone coverage mysteriously dropped out in the Northern Territory there has been no word from most of the sudddenly incarcerated – the exception is one person who had been in Binjari and Rockhole to convince the people there to submit to an experimental genetic manipulation treatment, and this sole person to be quoted by the army, the mass media and the Chief Minister of N.T. claims the facilities are luxurious and the food fantastic!
    Welcome to the Fascist States of Australia:

      1. Ray Bergmann says:

        I saw Aunty June Mills was trying to get in contact with the 38 people from Binjari who were carted off to the Howard Springs Detention Centre because they were tracked down by the government to be close contacts with a 78 year old elder who tested positive to COVID-19 using the unreliable PCR test. I also saw the video of her refusing the Chief Minister of N.T.’s demand to frack Larrakia land. N.T. Housing claim the reason for putting her out on the street is “over-entitlement” and supposedly has got nothing to do with getting people off their land so the fracking can happen. Help Aunty June Mills get funded to store her possessions and find a roof over her head.
        Fundraiser by Qi Cargill : Help Aunty June Mills Elder from Larrakia Country (

    1. Ray Bergmann says:

      In reference to Welcome to the Fascist States of Australia: It is definitely Nazi behaviour for the police to come to your home to take you away whether or not you have Covid! It is definitely psychotic to forcefully imprison your own citizens for the crime of being around somebody who tested positive for a virus with a 99%+ survival rate using an unreliable PCR test. And the gall of that guy in the video who says she should have gratitude to him that he doesn’t give her a $5000 fine! There’s almost nothing that can make me snap, but having a government come and drag me to an internment camp when I did nothing wrong, and then tell me I should be grateful that I didn’t receive a $5000 fine just might do it. I’m thinking how my grandmother must have felt after 2 years lockdown alone in her Frankfurt apartment, alive only because neighbours left food outside her door in the middle of the night, then to have the Gestapo put her on a train bound for Auschwitz in Poland! I’m thinking how my grandfather in Vichi France must have felt when the French police put him on a train back to Germany from where he too would be murdered like my grandmother in Auschwitz. I’m thinking how my dad must have felt at the border with Holland when the Gestapo were dragging people off the train. I’m thinking how the indigenous residents of Binjari and Rockhole must feel under extreme lockdown or in Howard Springs detention. Australia has changed into an unrecognisable characature or was it always like this for the indigenous and the refugees?

    2. Hello Ray,

      Fracking in the NT and contact tracing are two different things.

      There are many issues of concern in the NT. Lack of suitable housing, kids being stolen by DOCs and more. But the Centre is not like the eastern seaboard … despite consistent attempts at colonisation by successive governments over many years, that process is not complete because people still have language, they have close clan connections and they still live on their homelands.

      Howard’s intervention was a failure, it did not solve the housing problem or the stolen kids.

      The aboriginal grandmother who took us over country showed us where government programs had been successful in the past. She says that her grand kids get a far better education than she did. Despite this our friend speaks four languages and is learning a fifth, French! This grandmother used to manage an $11M budget on country but under the intervention she has not been allowed to manage her own money and has been issued a Basics card.

      Resistance to the mining industry is strong in the NT … not long after our visit Dianne Stokes and her grand daughter Kylie Sambo won a Federal Court case against dumping of uranium waste at Mukaty Station near Tennant Creek

      In the 1980s Jacqui Katona and Yvonne Margarula stopped uranium mining on their (Mirrar) people’s land at Jabiluka in the NT.

      What I am saying is the fascists are not in control in the Northern Territory … not yet anyway.

      Ian Curr
      23 December 2021


  3. Ray Bergmann says:

    With regard to “Bogus claims in SOS video” – Metabolic scientist Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP and Donal O’Neill, documentary Film maker in the field of health and human performance, have just released “Covid Chronicles (2021)” available for download at, which documents the lockdown of vulnerable people in overcrowded South African camps, and explains that mortalities from the ordeal of lockdown far exceeded deaths from Covid-19.

  4. But people are dying from these injections that are called vaccines but are not (the manufacturers only claim that they make the symptoms milder not that they prevent infection and they are classified as gene therapy by the FDA in the USA) – more than 17,000 deaths have been reported in the US official VAERS system, more than 13,000 deaths in the EU and over 2,700 deaths in the UK’s official Yellow Card reporting systems. Sorry, but you’re the one who could see through the lies about WMD but cannot see throught the lies about a so-called virus that has never been isolated and which, even if it exists, has an infection fatality ratio slightly lower than flu even according the skewed official figures. These injections are not about public health. There is another agenda behind them.

    1. Hello Tim (in Cyprus),

      Thanks for your comments. In Australia, since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 21 November 2021, about 38.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered. The TGA has found 9 reports of death that were linked to immunisation from 682 reports received and reviewed. The overwhelming majority of deaths reported occurred in people aged 65 years and older. The deaths linked to immunisation occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – 8 were TTS cases and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). – Department of Health TGA @

      Clearly the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks.


      1. Ray Bergmann says:

        Underreporting is a limitation common to passive surveillance systems, including the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that monitors the safety of U.S.-licensed vaccines and the TGA’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN)..

        Nearly 500 doctors and scientists in the U.K. told Boris Johnson in open letter attacking lockdown that the Government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has become ‘disproportionate’ and that mass testing has distorted the risk of the virus. They said tests are likely to be producing high numbers of ‘false positive’ results and the Government must do more to put infection and death rates within the context of normal seasonal rates.

        Counting the dead used to be the work of epidemiologists, statisticians and demographers. So was analyzing the numbers and drawing conclusions. In the past year many are counting deaths, but the numbers have no meaning without the context of a relevant time period of year when the disease is more prevalent and the population age statistics. That is, epidemiology

        The most counted country is probably Sweden, a stubborn dissenter that refused lockdowns, mask mandates and contact tracing. By the time of this writing, 14,349 Swedes have reportedly died from the coronavirus. Has the Swedish model failed? Were the lockdowns justified? Were the economic and social upheavals in most of the world an unavoidable necessity?

        December 31st is not a meaningful end date for winter mortality in the northern hemisphere. The flu wave and the associated wave of mortality reach the peak at various dates, and sometimes secondary waves appear. Furthermore, the use of the Gregorian calendar combines the mortality in the first part of one winter (sometimes mild) with mortality in the second part of the previous winter (sometimes severe). There is no scientific justification for this grouping when analyzing historical trends.

        The statistical alternative, which may be called “flu year”, contains a full winter season. Annual mortality is calculated from the beginning of the flu season, which is usually counted from week 40 (early October), till week 39 in the following year (end of September). Thus, the coronavirus waves in the spring and summer of 2020 belong to the 2019–2020 flu year, whereas the last winter wave belongs to the current flu year which will end in September.

        The concept of “excess mortality” is a little abstract. We need to compare actual mortality with “expected mortality”, but the latter is a theoretical idea that cannot be verified: what would the mortality in the 2019–2020 flu year have been, had there not been a pandemic? How do we calculate “expected mortality”?

        One method uses a statistical model called linear regression. We fit a line to the mortality data from previous years, check its past performance, and use the continuation of the line to compute expected mortality. The distance between a data point of actual mortality and expected mortality on the line is excess mortality (or “mortality deficit”).

        The graph (at shows the annual mortality in Sweden per million people in the last 22 flu years, where each flu year is labeled according to the calendar year in which it ends. For example, the last data point on the graph is mortality between October 2019 and September 2020: 9,234 per million people (95,365 deaths). To magnify, the vertical axis starts at 7,000.

        It is easy to see that the points are located close to a straight line, until the flu year that ended in September 2018. The general downward trend reflects a consistent increase in life expectancy in Sweden for many years.

        Experienced data analysts will attest that the fluctuations around the line are generally small and expected until 2018 (explained variation: 0.96). In contrast, both the flu year that preceded the pandemic (2018–2019) and the pandemic year (2019–2020) substantially deviate from the line: the former — in lower than expected mortality, and the latter — in higher than expected mortality.

        Continuation of the line, which was fit by the statistical model, yields the following estimates: In 2018–2019 there was “mortality deficit” in Sweden of 300 per million people (-3.3%) whereas in 2019–2020, the pandemic year, there was excess mortality of 364 per million people (+4.1%). Excess mortality following mortality deficit, and vice versa, are well known and expected, as the main source of mortality is an elderly population with limited life expectancy. (The sequence “excess after deficit” is, of course, better than the reverse order.)

        Assuming the excess mortality in 2019–2020 “fully balanced” the mortality deficit in the previous flu year, the true excess mortality in Sweden was less than 1% (about 700 deaths). And if we assume, absurdly, that the mortality in 2019–2020 was not affected at all by the mortality deficit in the previous flu year, then the excess mortality in Sweden did not exceed 4.1% (about 3,800 deaths). Excess mortality of a few percentage points, or more, has been calculated in many countries where life has been severely disrupted. Part of that excess has been attributed to lockdown and panic.

        To remind us, the hysterical response to the pandemic was not due to fear of an excess annual mortality of 4% or even 10%. The apocalyptic forecasts, which caused the world to shut down, predicted about 90,000 deaths from the coronavirus in Sweden by the summer of 2020: 100% excess mortality! No wonder policy makers around the world prefer to forget those predictions.

        The final summary of the current flu year (October 2020 — September 2021) will be known in the fall, but the data accumulated more than halfway through allow for interim conclusions. As many know, the coronavirus replaced the flu viruses this year, and there was no flu in Sweden, either. Nor were there apocalyptic predictions; only warnings about the number of accumulated deaths.

        Eyal Shahar, Professor Emeritus of Public Health (University of Arizona); MD (Tel-Aviv University, Israel); MPH, Epidemiology (University of Minnesota), chose to compare the mortality in Sweden in the current flu year (week 40, 2020 till week 15, 2021) to the corresponding mortality in 2017–2018. Two reasons for this choice: First, Europe experienced a severe flu season in that winter, which makes it an appropriate comparison. Second, although the flu season was severe in Sweden compared to previous years, it was still substantially milder than in Europe as a whole.

        The graph shows a low mortality wave at the end of 2017 and a noticeable wave in February-March 2018 (another example of why a December 31st cutoff might distort historical trends). This winter, the mortality wave coincided with the coronavirus wave and its peak in late December. (In 2020 there were 53 weeks, so the dates do not exactly match.) A secondary coronavirus wave, which appeared in mid-February, half way through the decline of the former, did not result in a secondary mortality wave.

        The all-cause death toll in Sweden in the first 29 weeks of the current flu year is 56,452 (5,441 per million people) compared to 55,967 (5,544 per million people) in the same period in 2017–2018. In that winter, the excess mortality rate in Europe attributed to the flu was at least twice as high as in Sweden.

        The pandemic has taken its death toll, ranging from large to small in different countries and within countries, and mostly affected the frail elderly. But the lockdowns and panic were unsubstantiated, prevented nothing, and caused indescribable damage to society. Sweden’s statistics tell us, unequivocally, that in much of the world lives have been lost and livelihoods have been destroyed — in vain.

        Will anyone, in any country, be held accountable?

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