Vlad the impaler came to Queensland

Paradigm Shift – Vlad Laws In Queensland – 8 Nov 2013

PShift (4ZZZ fm 102.1 Noon on Fridays) interviewed the attorney general, Jarrod Bleijie, about the rise to power of Vlad’s gang and his attempt to put its leader in jail for 400 years. In introducing the toughest laws in the world, Vlad’s nemesis Bleijie seems to have taken Monty Python’s satire, the Piranha Brothers, to heart.

Image: Concerned Christians, linked arms and wearing anti-uranium badges, prepare to march on 22 Oct 1977. 418 people were arrested that afternoon marching from KGSq in Brisbane. The largest single mass arrest in Australian history.

Fitzgerald criticises Newman Government’s “anti-bikie” crusade
28 October 2013
Celebrated investigator Tony Fitzgerald has criticised the Newman Government’s “anti-bikie” crusade and the new laws for sex offenders in prison describing its makers as “demagogues”.

Bleijie a “disgrace” as AG: O’Gorman… O’Gorman has criticised Queensland Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie over the drafting of the state’s new anti-bikie laws, saying as the … disgrace”. Mr O’Gorman said Mr Bleijie’s admission the laws will likely be challenged highlights his …

Qld Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie seeks to drop parole orders and suspended sentences… Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie is looking to drop court-ordered parole and suspended jail sentences in … tougher approach to crime. Mr Bleijie said parole orders are ineffective, with about 300 offenders returning …
