Minerals still determine who wins power in Qld

All that glitters is not gold
– Shakespeare

“The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys.
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate’er it touches; and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and of the human frame
A mechanized automaton.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley Queen Mab 1813

Caution: For all the people who received unsolicited YouTubes and texts from Clive Palmer’s Mineralogy about abortion, death taxes and border closures, you may have wondered if these allegations against the Labor government were true; they are not.

A few hours ago LNP’s opposition leader, Deb Frecklington (Nanango), resigned because of her failure to cut through at the 31 October Queensland state elections.

Firstly the government’s Health legislation regarding women obtaining an abortion was designed and passed by the conservative law reform commission. There are no late term abortions authorised by the legislation.

Regarding a death tax, there is none in Qld.

Regarding the closure of the borders this was based on sound medical advice. Even people closest to the border endorsed the Chief Government Medical officer’s recommended closure by voting in a labor candidate Wayne Bartholomew for the Gold Coast seat of Currumbin which is usually held by the LNP.

On election night, Clive Palmer was making sure his $4 million was well spent. Palmer was courting LNP Presidents Spence (current) and McIver (former) on his private yacht on the Brisbane River. Is Big Clive buying another pony?

LNP Presidents Spence (current) and McIver (former) with Clive Palmer on his yacht cruising the Brisbane River on election night

Palmer’s iron ore, nickel and coal holdings are valued at over $4 billiion so the $4 million he spent on the 2020 election is chicken feed. Anna Palmer’s obnoxious lies on YouTube were still born and didn’t convince people to vote for UAP’s climate denial and racism. But they have shifted the LNP to the right.

Hopefulls Crisafulli and Mander may not win the contest for the LNP leadership, especially with LNP backroom boys under Big Clive’s spell.

Palmer saved Scott Morrison in the 2019 Federal Election with his $6 million ‘Shifty Shorten’ ads moving 3.5% of the vote away from Labor and to the LNP.

The Greens are right to challenge corporate donations to major parties but it was not corporate donations that determined the result on Saturday. It was the pandemic. Stats show that many seniors voted Labor in key seats to deliver the Palaszczuk government a comfortable victory.

But Annastacia knows minerals still determine who is in power in Queensland. But this may not last as China withdraws from the coal market…

Trumps next.

Ian Curr
1 Nov 2020