Foco Nuevo streaming this Friday 7th August

Foco Nuevo Streaming on 7th August 8pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

To start, click HERE.

During these uncertain times we are continuing to stream Foco Nuevo via our Jumping Fences Facebook page and we are pleased to again feature contributions from international guest musicians. This month we bring you performances by Silvio Alejandro and Duo Jade from Cuba, and Raúl Gasca Toache (better known simply as Toache) from Mexico. We’ve been lucky to see Duo Jade’s impressive performances on different occasions in Havana and we are excited that they are able to join us online this month. Toache is a consumate musician and we’ve been discussing with him the possibility of a visit to Australia for some years now. At last we can welcome him to Foco Nuevo!

Silvio Alejandro is an exuberant singer/songwriter who has been running his own music venue in Havana, ‘Tres Tazas’, for the past 12 years. We are thrilled to share some of the music from these friends, we’re sure you will enjoy this special event. We hope you can join us! Register your attendance on the Facebook event page to receive notification when the stream starts.

Please note: You can still see our June Foco Nuevo on the Jumping Fences Youtube channel by clicking here.

Sue and Lachlan – Jumping Fences

Duo Jade at ‘Ella y Yo’ Festival, Havana, June, 2018.
Raúl Gasca Toache.
Silvio Alejandro at Parque Almendares, Havana, June, 2018.|