The Adele Effect – institutional racism inside Queensland Health

Paradigm Shift 4zzz fridays at noon 12 June

** A note to indigenous people this radio program contains recordings, images and songs about people who are deceased. The interviews here were performed in Meanjin, homelands of the Torubul and Jagera people, lands never ceded **

Ian interviews Alec Doomadgee, at Black lives Matter rally outside Brisbane City Hall 6th of June 2020. Alec criticised Queensland Health for institutional racism in its dealings with his sister, Adele.

Ian interviews local member for Traeger, Robbie Katter, for his response to the allegations made by Alec Doomadgee about failure of duty of care by Queensland Health. Robbie Katter says that Alec Doomadgee is someone that he listens to because of his connection with local community. Robbie critised those in government who speak ‘from afar‘ and who do not follow up their words ‘with deeds‘.

Doomadgee is in your electorate of Traeger (Far North Queensland) … how many Aboriginal people live in that town?
About 2,000
What medical services are available in the township of Doomadgee?
Doomadgee Hospital or medical centre
What can you tell us about the death of Adele Sandi from Doomadgee?
Do you know what medical condition Adele Sandi suffered from?
Heart disease
Is rheumatic fever prevalent among indigenous people in the gulf ?
I don’t know
Why wasn’t Adele Sandi transported to a hospital where she could receive proper medical treatment for her cardiac condition?
I think there needs to be an inquiry
Did you speak to the Doomadgee family about arranging transport for Adele?
I spoke to Alec Doomadgee on Saturday when she passed away
Who is responsible for making decisions regarding transport of seriously ill patients from Doomadgee?
The Chief Medical Officer or the DON (Director of nursing)

Billie Holliday – Strange Fruit
Stiff Gins – Go go
Spinfex Gum at the G – Dreamtime

Ian Curr

6th of June 2020


Adriano Doomadgee, a 13 year old nephew child, was arrested brutally by police almost a year later as described in the video below by Alec Doomadgee and his sister, Katherine.

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