Celebrate World Poetry Day – postponed for health and safety reasons

The Italian theatre group Danteatro and choir Unicoro (both based at the Brisbane Dante Alighieri Society), 

in collaboration with Lesley Synge and Reload Espresso Bar,


      VOCI – VOICES: Italy in poetry and song (in English and Italian)

            at Reload Espresso Bar, 9 Chrome St, Salisbury

                                Saturday 21 March

Food available and bar open from 6.30pm

Performance starts at 7.30pm

Entry by gold coin donation at door, but please book seats using the link below.

For more information, or to book, go to https://www.facebook.com/pg/Reload-Espresso-Bar-677393649009249/events/?ref=page_internal

Lesley Synge will relate her Italian travels using poems and photos, and Danteatro will perform a collection of poems and prose exploring themes of travel and recollections, by various writers – mostly in English, but with excerpts in Italian and Sicilian. Songs by Unicoro will complete the repertoire.

All welcome!