Witness K

The Timor Sea Justice Forum is launching #Drop the Prosecutions today! (Why today? See below **)
Please read the Statement below and pass it on to your networks.  Here’s a pdf.

Australians were ashamed and angry when reading reports that our government spied on the East Timorese Prime Minister’s cabinet rooms during critical oil and gas negotiations. The aim was to gain economic advantage illegally over the people of East Timor – our close neighbour, WW2 ally, and the poorest country in South East Asia.

Such immoral activity may well have remained secret but for the courage and integrity of Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery.

These men acted in good faith at a time when our government failed to do so. They stood up to government wrongdoing.

Now, they are being targeted as criminals, as traitors. They are accused of being threats to “national security” when the matter is really about government commercial espionage and its cover-up. Pursuit of them is political retribution and a warning to others.

The government’s prosecution of Witness K and Bernard Collaery is an attack, not only on them, but on the rights and values of every Australian.The Attorney-Generalhas the power to discontinue the prosecutions immediately.
We invite you and your networks to join us in our summons to the Attorney-General to discontinue these prosecutions.
Click the link to send an email to the Attorney-General.

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