Assange solidarity in Brisbane

WBT posts this message from Ciaron O’Reilly from the local Bring Julian Home Campaign.

Ciaron’s leaflet from UK vigil

*This week we continue with a Mon – Fri/ 9am – 1pm Solidarity Vigil for Julian Assange outside the UK consul 100 Eagle St Brisbane.

** Julian’s extradition hearing in London begins Mon Feb 24th – we will have a large solidarity gathering outside the U.K. consul Brisbane with speakers 12 noon – 2pm / Mon Feb 24th.

I just received the email below from Tom, originally from Western Australia who camped with me outside the Ecuadorian embassy & later outside Belmarsh Prison. He will be at the extradition hearing in London & has recently found reasons to be cheerful in terms of Julian’s struggle. 

Hi Ciaron,

                We are into the final few days in the run up to the extradition hearing and for a change my optimism is growing every day.

Almost daily there are so many signs that the tide has turned, have noticed the public opinion is changing but on the political front, the parliament in Europe taking a stance, Corbin makes a statement in parliament and isn’t shouted down by Johnson, Australian parliamentarians form a cross bench support group, doctors for Assange, media mention Assange’s name in articles that are not smear campaigns, so much has changed since you ran a lonely campaign in a box outside the Ecuadorian Embassy and now this

Is that a gift to the Assange legal team?

Judge Arbersnot has set a precedent, cannot be extradited to a country where he will face life in prison without parole.

I am feeling positive and it is all built on the long lonely days you put in way back.

Here’s hoping

Keep up the good work.