Brisbane Noir?

Robert “Bomber” Perrier’s debut novel Where Angel Fears To Tread is the story of Frank Angel, a hit man for a syndicate of Brisbane high-fliers. Between kills, Frank lives in a Highgate Hill penthouse listening to Bach, looking at Peg Rutkowski paintings on his walls or reading books in his library. Whenever the spirit takes him, he can afford to travel to Europe to feed his passion for classical art and music.

When he meets art gallery attendant Simone Laverne, his world begins to unravel.

Where Angel Fears To Tread is the first novel from — a new Australia
publisher created by Robert Whyte and Anne Jones, focussing on Brisbane, especially Brisbane Noir.

Book Launch 6–8 pm Friday 8 November 2019
Avid Reader 193 Boundary St West End
Booking essential. BOOK ONLINE OR CALL 3846 3422

Launch includes Bomber Perrier and Dave McGuire performing the song Simone and the hit man

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