Solidarity with the Women of Cuba: International Women’s Day 2019

Women from the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society marched in solidarity with the women of Cuba in the Brisbane International Women’s Day Rally and March, held on Saturday 9th March.

The rally celebrated the decriminalising of abortion in Queensland in late 2018, heard from speakers addressing the ongoing issues around male violence against women, femicide, and institutional issues with family law, and songs by the Spanish-Speaking Women’s Voices, a Cuban song from Jumping Fences, along with a tribute to the women suffragettes of last century. There was a strong contingent from Australia Solidarity with Latin America, and the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, highlighting the international character of the day. Young women led the march through Brisbane city.

From 6–8th March the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) held it’s tenth Congress in Havana, attended by more than 350 delegates. It comes at a time where the recently approved constitution gives special emphasis to the full equality of women and their rights. Today in Cuba half of the management responsibilities in the State and the Government are carried out by women, including more than 42% of the so-called ‘decision-making positions’. In the National Assembly of Popular Power (the Cuban parliament) women deputies represent 53.2% of the current Legislature. Read more from Prensa Latina.

Members of the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society are invited to attend our next monthly meeting.

Tuesday 12th March

Level 2 TLC Building
16 Peel St, South Brisbane

6.30 p.m.

Come and help build solidarity with Cuba now celebrating 60 years of the Revolution. Items to be discussed include:

  • Planning for the National Consultation
  • Fund-raising for our project ‘Dream Circle”
  • Brigade promotion
  • General business
Join with delegates from around Australia in building solidarity with Cuba at the 2019 National Consultation, being held in Brisbane from 29-31 March, 2019.

All members are welcome to attend the two day event, which will start on Friday 29th March with an informal gathering. The weekend will feature reports from the newly appointed Cuban Ambassador, the Honorable Ariel Lorenzo Rodríguez, a presentation from our visiting Cuban guest, Leima Martínez Freire, the Head of Asia-Pacific Department of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People, and a special report from the Yes I Can Literacy program being run by Literacy for Life in association with Cuban advisors in Australian Aboriginal communities in NSW. There will be a dinner and concert on Saturday 30 March open to the general public, featuring performances of Latin American and original music, by some great local musicians.

DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION FORM and return it by 22 March 2019.

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