Strike for Climate Action

To everyone who cares about a safe climate future, this is your invite to join our School Strike 4 Climate – students standing up when our politicians won’t. Sign-up for a March 15 #ClimateStrike near you today.*

Climate over Clovelly Beach Sydney

Australia is in the thick of the climate crisis. Prolonged drought is crippling farming communities. Flash flooding is creating chaos in cities. Catastrophic bushfires and severe cyclones are threatening people’s homes. Heatwaves are sweeping the nation. Half of the Great Barrier Reef is dead. 

At the same time, mining giant Adani is promising to start digging a new coal mine to open up one of the largest untapped coal reserves on Earth, vocally backed by our Federal politicians who are ignoring the majority of us who want them to #StopAdani and tackle dangerous climate change. 

A Federal Election is around the corner but our politicians have lost touch with us – the people they are meant to represent!

As school students, we’re sick of being ignored. We’re sick of our futures being turned into political footballs. We feel sick when we see and hear about the climate impacts that are already devastating people and communities here and overseas. 

So, on March 15, we’re walking out of school to tell our politicians to take all of us seriously and treat climate change for what it is: the biggest threat to our generation and generations to come.

Tens of thousands of students across Australia and around the world will join us. Will you be there to stand with us shoulder to shoulder?

Everyone is invited. If you’re an adult, we hope you’ll take the day off in solidarity with us to help make 2019 a turning point in Australian climate politics.

There has never been a more urgent time to take to the streets to show our politicians that we won’t stop until they do what it takes to stop climate change. 

See you to strike for a safe climate on March 15! 

With hope, 
School Strikers for Climate Action 

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