Palestinian boycott of Eurovision in Israel

The Australian Eurovision national selection show ’Australia Decides’ is going to be held on the Gold Coast on the 9th of Feb.

We will be holding a protest action from 3:30pm to 7:30pm outside of the event. In support of the Palestinian cultural boycott call, we are urging SBS not to participate in or broadcast Eurovision 2019 from Israel and for participating artists to respect the boycott and not perform in Tel Aviv. 

  • Meet at Federation Park on Gold Coast on Saturday the 9th at 3pm

If you need a lift contact JFP through this Facebook event

We also need your help to urge these Australian musicians not to play in Israel

** Ten Australian artists are competing to play Eurovision in Israel. Will you help contact these singers so they know what Palestinians want?

SBS is hosting ‘Australia Decides’ on February 8-9 on the Gold Coast to select the Australian singer to go to Tel Aviv and – perhaps without realising – celebrate apartheid Israel. We need your help to contact each artist so they know that Israel is the wrong place to perform – and why the Palestinian cultural boycott of Israel must be respected. All their social media links and addresses are here in one place. All of the artists are on Facebook, 9 have Instagram, and most are on Twitter.

Will you contact them?

Here’s how to do it best:
1/. If you’re a fan, let them know you love what they do.
2/. Be super polite: we want to inform and convince them, or begin to open their eyes and ears. Remember, they may not understand the situation for Palestinians (two of them are teenagers) or how they can help.
3/. Use your own words, but there are many places to get information, including many links on the BDS Australia Facebook page and website.
4/. Mention South Africa – international artists played a big role in piling on the pressure with boycotts to end apartheid there – some of them may not know anything about this.
5/. Remind them that Eurovision will happen again in 2020, so sitting out this year for Palestinians’ human rights is not so hard!
6/. Ask for a reply.
7/. Share what you’re doing on social media so others will also contact them.
8/. Use the hashtags #Eurovision2019 #BoycottEurovision2019 #FreePalestine #BoycottIsrael #BDS

Alfie Arcuri
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Courtney Act
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Tania Doko
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Electric Fields
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Ella Hooper
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Kate Miller-Heidke
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Mark Vincent
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While these musicians may or may not be ignorant, Sony Music Australia and SBS have no excuse: they are putting profits ahead of Palestinians’ human rights. You can also email them to let them know that you’re disappointed at:

Of course please forward this email or share our Facebook page to others who you think want Australian musicians to #BoycottEurovision2019.

All around the Eurovision world solidarity supporters like you are putting on BDS pressure for Palestinians’ rights and dignity.

Thank you for playing your part.

The next Justice for Palestine meeting will be held on the 2nd floor of the Queensland Council of Unions building 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane, – Monday the 25th of February at 6:30pm pm. Please join us to help organise our solidarity events and continue to build the Boycott Divestment Sanctions campaign.

In Solidarity
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Justice for Palestine was formed in January 2009 to organise the demonstrations against the Israeli massacre in Gaza. It is a broad coalition of organisations and individuals in Brisbane who support freedom for Palestine. We are supporters of the international Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign against apartheid Israel (

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