Logan deserves quality public transport

Logan people deserve quality public transport. It’s a basic public service.

Through our work with the Queensland Community Alliance, we have been listening to hundreds of stories from people from Logan about their struggles with poor public transport. Read some of these stories.

Just last week we heard from union members about workers that have to take swags with them to work. They never know if they’ll be able to get a bus home and often have to sleep in their swags at the train station or some other public place.

It sounds impossible in 2016, but that’s the broken state of public transport in Logan.

One of the key reasons is because Logan City Council doesn’t put a single dollar into into public transport services.

This Thursday night at Woodridge State High School union members are standing with church leaders and community organisations to demand change.

We’ve got a historic opportunity 9 days before the Local Government elections to get our next Mayor to commit money to fixing public transport.

This is our chance! Will you join us?

Logan Accountability Assembly
Thursday 10th March, 6-7.30pm (Food from 5.30pm).
Woodridge State High School, 323 Wembley Rd, Woodridge.
Please RSVP online here

We know it is people power that will make the difference. We need to pack the hall to ensure we get the outcomes Logan deserves. Hundreds of union members are leading the charge for better public transport, but we need you there to make the difference.

In Unity,

Michael Clifford
Assistant General Secretary
Queensland Council of Unions

© Queensland Council of Unions 2016 | Authorised by Ros McLennan, General Secretary Queensland Council of Unions

Queensland Council of Unions · Level 5 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101, Australia

Peter’s Bus

One thought on “Logan deserves quality public transport

  1. Accountability says:

    It would be interesting to see the results of a genuine survey into the number of potential bus users in Logan since it doesn’t appear many residents use train services. Translink is a major problem as its primarily a place where ‘the boys’ find grossly overpaid employment.

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