Word Bombs

Kurilpa Poets Ends Year with a Blast!
2pm, Sunday 29th November, 2015

the artist, and particularly the poet, is always an anarchist in the best sense of the word. he must heed only the call that arises within him from three strong voices: the voice of death, with all its foreboding, the voice of love and the voice of art.”
federico garcía lorca

Hi there Water-Rats and Friends!
This month at Kurilpa Poets
we celebrate the the Poet as Anarchist, the Eternal Revolutionary whose poems are acts of Cultural Terrorism, exploding in the Collective Unconscious and undermining the Foundations of the Dominant Paradigm. Yes, we Poets sneer at the crude and clumsy attempts of bombers and assassins to try and change the World
with their vulgar and ineffectual violence!
We Poets have a clearer Vision and better Weapons,
and it is WE who shall make the World anew
through the Power of the Word!
As old Walt Whitman declared, the Age of Priests is Over!
The Poets shall be the new Prophets!
Who better then to have as our lead Feature Poet this month than
the Reverend Hellfire’s old comrade-in-arms,
Doctor John Jiggens.
Doctor John’s Bohemian CV really is too long to list in full.
Not only has he been writing and publishing his verse for decades, he is also the author of a number of works, ranging from gonzo-style journalism to in-depth, scholarly research.
The good Doctor has also been a long standing Social Activist in the Brisbane scene since the early seventies,
playing an active role in many an epic social struggle,
generally manifesting as part of the Anarchist faction
in whichever struggle was then being waged.
In Particular Dr John has been a leading light in the crusade to end Drug Prohibition for many years, in particular the struggle to legalise Cannabis, and was a founder member of HEMP.
In this role he changed his name to John FreeMarijuana and became the eldest of the notorious “FreeMarijuana Brothers“,
along side Kurilpa’s very own Reverend Hellfire,
or Guy FreeMarijuana, as he was known
in the days before he found religion.
Today Dr John still continues the fight to legalise the use of medicinal marijuana, and happily, it seems that there is at last some light dawning at the end of tunnel,
for this particular issue.
Now we look forward to Dr JJ detonating some of
his classic Word Bombs in our brain at the old Croquet Club.
Providing a suitably Post Apocalyptic soundscape for the event
will be a special performance to close the day and finish the year, by those lovable masters of audio-mayhem,
Gerald Keaney and the Gerald Keaneys
featuring, of course, the iconoclastic linguistix
and on-stage antics
of the Wild Man of the Brisbane Poetry scene himself,
Doctor Gerald Keaney.
(So many Doctors on call and do you think I can get one of them to write me a script?!)
The GK’s have been compared to such Old School punkesque audio experimentalists as Pere Ubu and the Fall,
or, closer to home, Brisbane’s Tapeloops .
Meanwhile, up on the Virtual Gallery‘s big screen, we will have two featured artists to disrupt and derange your visual senses;
First up, a retrospective of the old subversive/surrealist Master himself, Rene Magritte. Magritte is one of our Visual Arts Director’s personal favourites, so Shane will be sure to dredge up some lesser known gems, as well as the classic images.
Later in the afternoon, the unique world/view of the Loaded Dog, Brisbane Poetry scene’s favourite Mad Uncle, will be featured with a series of his Visual Poetic creations.
Lighting the fuse for the day will be regular Mystery Muso, Jem Sparkle, who this occasion will be playing her edgier material to suit the day’s theme.
As alway there will be Open Mic sessions, Free Food and Refreshments, Prizes, an informal atmosphere as well as
the the friendliest subversives you could hope to meet.
And of course Master of Ceremonies,
the Reverend Hellfire
will keep things crackling along in his own inimitable fashion.
Yes, all this and more for a mere $5!
Close to Public transport, the Croquet Club Hall
at 91 Cordelia Street has ample onsite parking
and a wheel chair access ramp.
As always, for the latest updates, check our website at
And don’t forget, it’s a Kurilpa tradition for the Community-minded to bring a plate or a packet or a bottle of something nice
to contribute to the feast.
This is our last event for 2015, we’ll be back though
in February 2016 with the fabulous Kurilpa Cup.
We hope to see you there.


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