“Labour and revolution” dayschool

LABOUR AND REVOLUTION: class struggle, socialist politics and the Corbyn movement

A dayschool organised by Workers’ Liberty, to discuss the ideas we need to take the new left in the labour movement forward.

12-6pm, Saturday 28 November
University College London, Gower Street, WC1E 6XA


12 Opening contributions: What’s the left for?

12.40 Workshops
i) What’s class got to do with it? Class, class struggle and class politics today ii) Labour’s history since 1945

2.10 Break

2.45 Workshops
i) How do we fight capitalism? Reforms and revolution
ii) The left, oppression and liberation politics

4.10 Break

4.20 Workshops
i) Climate change, capitalism and class struggle
ii) The left and the EU referendum: a debate

5.50 Closing speeches

6 Finish

Tickets £5 waged, £3 unwaged. You can buy tickets at

Followed by a commemoration for Iranian labour activist Shahrokh Zamani and fundraiser for the Iranian workers’ movement. https://www.facebook.com/events/771590749613288/

07796 690 874 – http://www.workersliberty.org

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