Guiding principles for strengthening the participation of local Aboriginal community in child protection decision making

Yaama Ganu,

Please find attached the following document “Guiding Principles for Strengthening the Participation of Local Aboriginal Commmunity in Child Protection Decision Making” [GMAR FACS Guiding Principles FINAL Nov 2015.pdf ]

This document was launched by the NSW Minister for FaCS on 9/11/15 in Tamworth.

This is an initiative of the Grandmothers Against Removals.

Please forward through your networks. Its an important document to address the unprecedented numbers of removals of Aboriginal children.

Thank you

Suellyn Tighe
Waan.gigilaylanha ngiyaniluu

Working together

GMAR FACS Guiding Principles FINAL Nov 2015.pdf

GMAR FACS Guiding Principles FINAL Nov 2015_Page_01

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