Peter Dutton opens Refugee Welcome Festival, the death of satire!

Nov. 4th. 8 am Court Solidarity: Peter Dutton opens Refugee Welcome Festival, the death of satire!

*Wednesday Nov 4th 8-9am outside Brisbane Magistrates Court corner of George & Turbot St. City Centre

** Prosecution of Dave Sprigg for throwing his shoes at Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton

*** Wear black to mark the death of satire!

In 1973, when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after slaying 3.5 million IndoChinese, the American satirist Tom Lehrer reflected “Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize.”

In June 2015 Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton was invited to open the “Refugee Welcome Festival” in Brisbane while simultaneously jailing refugee children in offshore gulags. As New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra once observed “It was like deja vu all over again!”

GIVE PETER DUTTON THE BOOT … or at least a flying sand shoe!

When duplicity, denial and hypocrisy reaches such dangerous levels – society screams out for the boy who pointed out the emperor has no clothes! Enter Catholic Worker farmer David Sprigg who felt compelled to confront this madness and speak some truth to power. Spriggs was replicating the actions of Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi who in 2008 threw his shoes at George Bush and yelled “This is for the widows and orphans and all those killed in Iraq!”.

Sprigg did likewise confronting Peter Dutton at the Brisbane Refugee Welcome Festival.

Peter Dutton was a member of the 2003 Howard government that participated in the illegal invasion of Iraq that caused so much death, destruction and displacement. He is now a minister in the Turnbull government that imprisons and tortures Iraqis, among others, who have fled the destruction the U.S. & Australian governments have brought to Iraq. In Australia, Dutton gets to open “Refugee Welxome Festivals” while abusing refugees! Go figure?

SBS Report of arrest:

Dave Sprigg faces a charge of Public Nuisance, seven prosecution witnesses have been called to testify against him.

Gather outside the Brisbane Magistrates court, corner of George & Turbot streets on Wed Nov 4th, 8 am sharp.

Wear black to mark the death of satire.

For more information

Phone Ciaron 048 153 1725


Ciaron O’Reilly

“The poor tell us who we are,
The prophets tell us who we could be,
So we hide the poor,
And kill the prophets.”
Phil Berrigan

3 thoughts on “Peter Dutton opens Refugee Welcome Festival, the death of satire!

  1. Kay McPadden says:

    Sorry I cannot attend support group for Dave Sprigg but am grateful and humbled by all everywhere in anyway peacefully and passionately advocating for les miserables in illegal detention. I’ll find space and time to do the same. Thanks for being there for me.

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