International Workers’ Memorial Day – 28 April 2015.

Stand for Queensland41 Australians have been killed at work. Last year, 185 Australians were killed at work. The year before that, it was 186 workplace deaths.

Workplace injury and death is an avoidable tragedy that no worker or family should have to bear — and the price for safety is eternal vigilance and activism.

Every year, 28 April is International Workers’ Memorial Day. Queensland Unions will be holding a memorial ceremony to remember all those workers who have been injured or killed while at work. 10am Tuesday, 28 April at Emma Miller Place (Roma Street).
We invite you to attend. Please RSVP by clicking this link.

There is also a Facebook event page at:

Unions have fought for and won many protections for workers to make the guarantee of coming home safe a reality — protections that have made jobs safer, saved hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented many more injuries and illnesses in the workplace.

But the fight for safe workplaces goes on. Some employers continue to cut corners and violate the law, contracting out work to avoid responsibility or firing or disciplining workers who speak out. Meanwhile, the Abbott Government continues its attacks on unions — prosecuting union officials and members who speak out or take action in unsafe worksites.

We cannot and will not let them succeed when workers’ lives are at stake.

This year we will come together to call for jobs that keep workers safe and healthy. We will seek stronger safeguards to prevent injuries and save lives. We will stand for the right of all workers to raise job safety concerns without fear of retaliation or prosecution and for the freedom to join a union and bargain for fair pay, respect and a better future.

You can also download and print a poster to display in your workplace

Please join us.

10am Tuesday, 28 April at Emma Miller Place — Roma Street, Brisbane.

Ron Monaghan
General Secretary
Queensland Council of Unions© Queensland Council of Unions 2014 | Authorised by John Battams, President, Queensland Council of Unions

One thought on “International Workers’ Memorial Day – 28 April 2015.

  1. Hi Ian!

    Today at the AMWU Retired Member meeting we received the invitation to the Rally to remember the comrades who lost their life fighting for better condition for the workers.

    Could you announces this rally on the Workers Bush Telegraph ?

    In Solidarity

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