Local Power – solar incentive negotiation

solar incentive negotiation
There is still uncertainty about the last remaining upfront solar PV incentive, the RET (renewable energy target), with negotiations between the government and the federal opposition underway.

The incentive at this stage is still available and today it is worth between $3852 (for a 5kW system) and $1548 (for a 2kW system).

In addition, as you are probably aware, the Australian dollar has dropped in recent weeks. This will flow though in price rises in the coming weeks as panel and inverter stocks in the country are sold and replenished from overseas suppliers.

The best time to install solar is always now. So please encourage your friends, relatives and colleagues to consider installing solar by forwarding them this newsletter. Local Power would be very happy to assist.

We have also put together the following links to help you save money on your electricity bills.

Efficient Appliances
When your old appliances die and you are purchasing a new one, it’s the ideal time to be as informed as possible about their energy use. The commonwealth government has an excellent online resource which compares the energy usage of houshold appliances on the market. http://www.energyrating.gov.au/

They also have a smart phone app which you can take with you when you do your appliance shopping. http://www.energyrating.gov.au/for-consumers/energy-ratings-mobile-app/

Electricty Saving tips
Energex and Ergon have developed a website to help electricity users get the most out of the various offpeak tariffs available for pool pumps and hotwater, and rebates for installing modern airconditioners with PeakSmart technology, as well as having many other savings tips. https://www.yourpowerqld.com.au/energy-pricing-and-economy-rates/calculators

Retailer competition
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) has put together a website which compares all the electricity offers from all the electricity retailers. It sometimes pays to shop around to get better rates on your electricity, however if you already have solar installed, please take care in choosing. http://comparator.qca.org.au

Checking your bill
Retailers took a few months to pass on the repeal in the carbon tax so Local Power is happy to assist check your bills to ensure the adjustments are correct. Local Power is also always happy to assist to help ensure your system is generating as expected. Please send us your bill (scan/email, post, or fax to 3009 0615) along with some recent inverter readings and we are happy to assist.

Warranty and Support
If you ever think you have a problem with your Solar PV system or inverter, please contact Local Power and we will be happy to assist in diagnosing what is happening. If a site visit is required we will send one of our solar technicians to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Website and Facebook
You can visit us at our website at http://localpower.net.au. You can also converse with us on our Facebook page at http://facebook.com/localpower4101
where we post regularly relevant solar information and articles.

We look forward to keeping in touch. Please contact us if you ever have any queries regarding your Local Power system whatsoever on 07 3009 0615 or info


Warm regards,
Russ, Rob and the Local Power team
email – info
web – http://localpower.net.au

Peace of Mind – Quality Products
Our Philosophy has always been to offer the highest quality products for the best possible prices rather than simply the cheapest products.
Customer Service
We take pride in offering you our excellent knowledge and experience from years of working at the forefront in the dynamic solar industry.
Copyright © 2014 Local Power, All rights reserved.
As a Local Power customer we like to keep in touch with you about important information regarding the ongoing maintenance of your Solar PV system.

Our mailing address is:
Local PowerPO Box 3501
South Brisbane BC, Qld 4101Australia

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