G20 Interfaith Summit

Economic Development & Religious Freedom

Registration is now open for the G20 Interfaith Summit: Economic Development and Religious Freedom.

Religion plays a major role in global events today, including issues from cross-border conflicts to macroeconomic trends. However, religion can be misunderstood or even overlooked as a factor in world events. The G20 Interfaith Summit will address this by taking an explicit examination of the link between religious freedom and economic development at local, national and international levels.
This event will bring together opinion leaders such as scholars, lawyers and political leaders with faith and interfaith leaders from around the world for three days of discussion and dialogue as a substantial contribution to the G20 Economic Forum.

We invite you to join with us on Australia’s Gold Coast, 16-18 November 2014.

You can register online through our website: icd or (07) 3735 7052.

Kindest Regards,

Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue
Nathan Campus, Griffith University

170 Kessels Road, Nathan
Brisbane, Queensland, 4111 Australia

T: +61 (0)7 3735 7052 F: +61 (0)7 3735 7131

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